So now, as you've suggested, my two alternatives to an air conditioner are:
- strap a bag of ice to the back of a fan
- hire two pretty 20-something boys to spritz Evian water on my face and fan me with a giant leaf
The second one. Definitely the second one.
Since I'm still waiting on OSAP and am still unemployed, if you choose...
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- strap a bag of ice to the back of a fan
- hire two pretty 20-something boys to spritz Evian water on my face and fan me with a giant leaf
The second one. Definitely the second one.
Since I'm still waiting on OSAP and am still unemployed, if you choose...
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Toronto is too freakin' hot, which means my apartment is warm, and the kitty is chasing the odd bug that flies in (which is a recipe for disaster).
Anyone have an old air conditioner they're not using? Anyone...?
Anyone have an old air conditioner they're not using? Anyone...?
That is a great picture, I guess you just need some Guys in underwear fanning you with giant leafs hahahahaha
try a water mister spray bottle and sit in front of the fan

Finally back after nearly a month. Keeping up three blogs is a lot of work. I'm just rolling off a weekend filled with wonderful crap. My house party on Friday went over well with everyone but me. A bunch of stuff got trashed and after 1 pm, and the rest of the weekend has been a letdown. If it keeps up like this for the...
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hey pretty girl, glad to have you back! I'll have to check out your other blog when I have time.
have a nice day
have a nice day

if no one decided to... (ahem) dump one, in the basement sink. then you're doing pretty well.
now that was an interesting party.
now that was an interesting party.
I'm checking out for a while. Catch you later.
I haven't kept up with a few of the message boards I frequent lately, and in only three days, I feel like I have an eternity to catch up on!
I was sitting in Future Bakery today eating cheesecake, and watching all sorts of useless people walk down Bloor St. in the Annex. I almost want to move out of the city, but I know...
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I was sitting in Future Bakery today eating cheesecake, and watching all sorts of useless people walk down Bloor St. in the Annex. I almost want to move out of the city, but I know...
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I've been shutterbug crazy the past couple of days. Tonight I was out with one of the groups I help with and some of the girls got a chance to use a camera that wasn't just a point & shoot. It was a little awkward because I'm still learning about the dang thing.
Silent Hill this week. I've heard both good and bad, but I'm...
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Silent Hill this week. I've heard both good and bad, but I'm...
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karaoke sounds like fun
silent hill was very mediocre, but I am an absolute movie fanatic- and probably a harsh critic.
there were some scenes that were good, but the movie had a very light-hearted overtone that just didn't cut it for me---
overall- a thumbs down.
*sigh* wish I could come hear you sing tonight... I miss the ol' girls night out karaoke style... those days were a blast.

silent hill was very mediocre, but I am an absolute movie fanatic- and probably a harsh critic.
there were some scenes that were good, but the movie had a very light-hearted overtone that just didn't cut it for me---
overall- a thumbs down.
*sigh* wish I could come hear you sing tonight... I miss the ol' girls night out karaoke style... those days were a blast.
think i should water the syrup down if i do that?
thats great!
sounds like fun
sounds like fun
Road trip starts in less than 12 hours. I still don't have a costume.
no costume?
have fun
post some pics when you get back

I've added a few more pics, including the full version of my profile pic a few of you asked about. You're all crazy.
I should be at the library at this moment, but it's raining and I can't find my umbrella. I think I left it somewhere but I don't really care to find out. Staying in suits me fine today. This just means an...
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I should be at the library at this moment, but it's raining and I can't find my umbrella. I think I left it somewhere but I don't really care to find out. Staying in suits me fine today. This just means an...
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yep, sometimes it's nice to stay in...
your pics folder
you are beautiful

you are beautiful
It's back to the normal pics. If you missed the full profile.. too bad suckers. Limited time off only.

Ace is definitely going home this week. American Idol is one of those painfully addictive shows. I really don't care about it, but if I miss it, it's just a little bit upsetting.
I have issues with minimum wage workers who can't do their jobs properly. Instead of grumbling under my breath, I tend to show my frustration. It's not a good thing, and I...
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I have issues with minimum wage workers who can't do their jobs properly. Instead of grumbling under my breath, I tend to show my frustration. It's not a good thing, and I...
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