Remember the days of living with your parents? The fights, the food, the screaming of "the phone's for you" and "got it" across the house, sneaking around the basement to have the quietest sex possible, and air conditioning. I've had to move back a few times to work for the summer since my official move out seven years ago. But last night, I didn't miss living with them one bit. I have a roomie now, so it makes a lot of things more difficult in similar ways to living with my parents. It's nice being alone, and with a roomie I definitely miss out on some fun.
Network admin test tonight. Then girlie hang out time with Miss V.
Network admin test tonight. Then girlie hang out time with Miss V.

The pirate costume came from a friend...I think that it was from some small company that does all handmade gothy stuff. I'll have to check 

I don't miss those days at all...