So now, as you've suggested, my two alternatives to an air conditioner are:
- strap a bag of ice to the back of a fan
- hire two pretty 20-something boys to spritz Evian water on my face and fan me with a giant leaf
The second one. Definitely the second one.
Since I'm still waiting on OSAP and am still unemployed, if you choose to work for me, you'll be paid at a later date. But I promise to make a mean alfredo for you for dinner.
One of my best friends just moved into my second bedroom. As much as this puts a damper on my "free time" here in the apartment, I'm happy she's here. She's been in Thunder Bay for two years, and who knnows where our lives are going to end up after this summer. For all I know she'll get her wish of working for a northern Canadian broadcasting station or film company, and I might then see her once a year.
But for the next couple days, the apartment is a bit chaotic. The summer is still going to be fun, and this way I'll get some girlie time in too.
- strap a bag of ice to the back of a fan
- hire two pretty 20-something boys to spritz Evian water on my face and fan me with a giant leaf
The second one. Definitely the second one.
Since I'm still waiting on OSAP and am still unemployed, if you choose to work for me, you'll be paid at a later date. But I promise to make a mean alfredo for you for dinner.
One of my best friends just moved into my second bedroom. As much as this puts a damper on my "free time" here in the apartment, I'm happy she's here. She's been in Thunder Bay for two years, and who knnows where our lives are going to end up after this summer. For all I know she'll get her wish of working for a northern Canadian broadcasting station or film company, and I might then see her once a year.
But for the next couple days, the apartment is a bit chaotic. The summer is still going to be fun, and this way I'll get some girlie time in too.