Lately I've been having so much fun spinning that the ride is soon going to end, and i'm going to fly right off. But that's my life, that's how it's always worked, and it presents me with crazy ups and downs that help me appreciate everything in my life just a little bit more.
I discovered a claw on my cat today that had grown into one of the pads of her toes. Poor thing. We clipped it and cleaned it up, and so far she's doing fine. I'm trying to avoid a $200 vet bill, so i'm hoping diluted peroxide did the trick.
I'm a little upset with the new Tetris DS reviews. I was really hoping for something super to come from it, but it only was rated a mere 'good'. A 7.5 out of 10 by Gamespot. I had fun playing the multiplayer the other day, and despite the shitty review, when my tax refund comes in next Thursday, I'm marching down to get it. I also hope to pick up Metroid, Meteos, Mario & Luigi, and who knows what else. I need to play more Advance Wars. Nintendogs and Super Monkey Ball Touch & Roll have been sucking up most of my DS time.
And I still need to mod my Xbox. I know, I'm behind the times, trying to catch up fast.
I discovered a claw on my cat today that had grown into one of the pads of her toes. Poor thing. We clipped it and cleaned it up, and so far she's doing fine. I'm trying to avoid a $200 vet bill, so i'm hoping diluted peroxide did the trick.
I'm a little upset with the new Tetris DS reviews. I was really hoping for something super to come from it, but it only was rated a mere 'good'. A 7.5 out of 10 by Gamespot. I had fun playing the multiplayer the other day, and despite the shitty review, when my tax refund comes in next Thursday, I'm marching down to get it. I also hope to pick up Metroid, Meteos, Mario & Luigi, and who knows what else. I need to play more Advance Wars. Nintendogs and Super Monkey Ball Touch & Roll have been sucking up most of my DS time.
And I still need to mod my Xbox. I know, I'm behind the times, trying to catch up fast.