I got two new pieces done this week and I'm in love with both of them. I got an atom behind my ear. I'm an art major and I sign my work with an atom because my signature is horrid.
Today I went to another talented artist in town that does dot work and had her do a piece on my back. It was a piece that she had drawn herself and sheared on her Instagram. Even though it wasn't made just for me it sure feels like it was. I actually had a very realistic dream a few weeks ago that I had meet 4 little souls. They were my kids, and they had been waiting for me. Long story short my husband and I have had 4 miscarriages and I believe I meet them in my dream. And not just because I believe in spirits but because when you die and when you dream the same chemical (DMT) is released to your brain. Anyways! She did an amazing job. Love it!!