A few months ago @missy and @rambo wanted to know our favorite TV shows. I'm one of those people who has the TV on all day and I don't even watch it, I need the background noise. However I love cartoons so my TV is usually always on Cartoon Network. I LOVE Adventure Time, Regular Show, Rick and Morty, and the oblongs. But one show
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Woot!  A gal after my own heart, cartoons rock! :-D Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and Disney XD are three of the more common channels playing on the TV.  Have you caught the latest version of TMNT?  It's a really kick ass cartoon.  CN..have you seen Transformers: Robots in Disguise?  It's a 'sequel' of Transformers: Prime.  It's not nearly as good but it's still a nice show.  It's just odd that all the Decepticons robot forms are animal based.  As for Tim and Eric I'll admit I've never seen the show.  Honestly it drives me nuts when they play live action shows on CARTOON Network lol.  I know it's a hang up I should get past but can't seem to damnit lol.  Oh being a CN watcher did you catch 'Young Justice' a few years ago?  By far the best superhero cartoon, whether Marvel or DC.  Sucks they cancelled it for NO reason and haven't done anything with it since.
So sexy

Hi everyone! Ever since I became a mommy I've been a little MIA, so sorry! But later this week @azera and I along with some others are getting together to have some fun! I cant wait to shoot my next set and continue my SG journey. Taking photos and hanging out with hot babes is what I love to do and I'm ready to jump
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❤♡❤~sweet !~❤♡❤