I would really like to shoot another set......turning pink would be lovely.
Why? What's wrong with the color you have now? biggrin
If i could have a lamp with a genie inside with 3 wishes I would wish for.....

1. Me to be able to close on the house by this month

2. To be able to afford to redo the bathroom and the walk in clost before moving

3. To have a dachsund come in from animal services that needs a home so I can give...
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Maybe the third wish would need a very very good genie... smile
Ok I need to vent...

So in the process of buying a house there are alot of ups and downs and right now its all up in the air "looking positivve" but in the air....so they guy I'm renting from has decided that his friend is going to come and move into the house as well and live in the room right next to mine...
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Roommates Can Be Stressful, I've Had More Than My Fair Share Of Bad Ones!!!!!!!
Guess What!!!

I just had my offer that I put on a condo accepted!

I will be moving very soon!!!

Yea First time home buyer!!!!1
Congradulation! Hopefully I will be a first time home buyer pretty soon.
Okay so since its been a little while I wanted to update everyone one what I am up too....Assuming you people care....

I'm offically on anixety pills. So I should in theory be getting better soon. We will see.

My cat broke my laptop charger to my good computer so I have resorting to my shit laptop. But I just ordered a new one so...
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My ex was on anti-anxiety pills as well and it seemed to really help her. I hope you are soon feeling better. Inquiring minds want to know - when will you be posing again?
Hey People...

So I am in need of advice from the males out there. ((or girls who are willing to be my booty call))

My boyfriend of 3 years (who lives with me) is 22 years old and he must be hitting that old man sex drive really early. Now I love my sex but I'm not getting it nearly as much as I want....
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Hey Everyone! Guess what its been about 2 weeks of my new vegetarian diet and I'm loving it!! Woot woot!

Also another grand bit of news! I found the house of my dreams. Im meeting with my lender tomorrow to get everything set in stone about the money part and then to go ahead and make my very first ever offer!! If the house I...
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Ugh, I didn't want to hear that haha. I figured as much, but I guess I was just being optimistic. So you're saying it will be difficult for a young buck to make some cash there?

The thought of lovely lovely weather is incredibly appealing. I just need to lock down a solid job that doesn't involve me (re)mastering the helicopter. tongue

So Ive been super sick the pass couple days which sucks obviously. I'm finally feeling better though. I've been working on my new years resoultion (going vegetarian) so far so good! Im really excited about it.

Also Ill be buying that house here soon! woot woot
Happy Holidays Folks!
Im such a lack ass i never blog anymore...

Ill change that soon

So Happy Gobble Day People...

So I went to the doctors the other day and he thinks I have too much stress for my age and might be depressed. He wants to my see another doctor to see what is wrong...but Im not really up for it.

He said for me to try and deal with stress by working out and avoiding stress. If it...
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Why would someone hot like you be depressed? is that even possible? love