So I offically am sick of having roomates. They have this dog that they adopted about 3 weeks ago (by the way nobody gave us-my boyfriend and i- any kinda heads up or do you mind kinda thing.) and she is literally the worlds most annoying dog. They adopted her because she was going to get put down because nobody wanted her because of behavioral problems. She pees all over everything like her bladder is none stop. She is a sniffer and is all over me every second of the day. She also is a licker (I hate lickers). But anyway so the dog pisses all over my clothes. I let them know "your dog pissed on my floor and clothes so when your stuff is out of the wash let me know" So not even 2 min later as Im carrying the wet clothes to the laundry room she puts another load into the washer. So noooowww my pee wet clothes have to sit and like get all nasty. Then I go to clean the floor and I went ahead and put good smelly powder on the floor to vaccum and the vaccum cleaner is clogged because nobody cleans it out. (I know its not my fault cuz litterally I NEVER vaccum.) Plus we have a little "chore" calender thing to try and solve those sort of problems. The other guy who shares the lawn mowing with my boyfriend has not mowed on the past 2 times he was soppose too. Grant it we are living in "their" house. But we are helping pay to morgage and not asking for any money when they sell the place or any of that. Oh and damn I went food shopping yesterday and god how I hate how they get to MY french onion dip before me. Hell I wont even eat their potatoe chips unless they have been there for like a week,......So over it
God Thanks for letting me vent. I needed that!
tomorrow at work is going to be super slow....I hope there are no problems. The doc got all in my face over something I didnt do. The bitch realized that I dont need to put up with and knows I will walk out on her and go back to my other job in a heart beat.......she quickly appoligized. Now dont forget, my boss is pretty much the devil wears medical scrubs.
God Thanks for letting me vent. I needed that!
tomorrow at work is going to be super slow....I hope there are no problems. The doc got all in my face over something I didnt do. The bitch realized that I dont need to put up with and knows I will walk out on her and go back to my other job in a heart beat.......she quickly appoligized. Now dont forget, my boss is pretty much the devil wears medical scrubs.
hope things are better in the morning, even if it's just a little bit. keep smiling cool girl!