So let me put up some happy news!
Tomorrow I have a job interview with the avenue. <sort of excited, but I am not ready to go back to the workforce, but I know I need money as I have bills to pay> The car is sucky, so this will the last time I take it to the shop to get fixed.. I was looking into leasing a car, probally a Toyota. When I get my camera back, I will put up some new pictures of me, I got my hair cut. The boy fixed my Nano so it works for me and now I can go out for my walks as it is getting warmer. This morning I wasn't so happy, but now I am feeling better. In less than 2 months I will be 22, I can remeber being 12 and hating school and thinking 6 more years and you are done you will be 18.. and then at 18 thinking ok hang in there you will be 21 and now I am 21, I want to be 12 again, but such is life. So the thing about my birthday is that I am planning on having a bowling party at Montvale Lanes in NJ, and if any SGers (on my friends list/ in the PSW group) would want to come there is an open invite for you guys. That is all..
Tomorrow I have a job interview with the avenue. <sort of excited, but I am not ready to go back to the workforce, but I know I need money as I have bills to pay> The car is sucky, so this will the last time I take it to the shop to get fixed.. I was looking into leasing a car, probally a Toyota. When I get my camera back, I will put up some new pictures of me, I got my hair cut. The boy fixed my Nano so it works for me and now I can go out for my walks as it is getting warmer. This morning I wasn't so happy, but now I am feeling better. In less than 2 months I will be 22, I can remeber being 12 and hating school and thinking 6 more years and you are done you will be 18.. and then at 18 thinking ok hang in there you will be 21 and now I am 21, I want to be 12 again, but such is life. So the thing about my birthday is that I am planning on having a bowling party at Montvale Lanes in NJ, and if any SGers (on my friends list/ in the PSW group) would want to come there is an open invite for you guys. That is all..
good luck with the job interview!