Not true. The pole queen at my other club is at least 5'8". She's like one big muscle. Her stomach is to die for. I'm VERY jealous, but I'm working towards that slowly but surely.
I am way too lazy to keep two blogs. Wanna keep up? Read my blog at www.vivalasdancers.blogspot.com
Ah, the fine art of drunk texting.

I'm an idiot.

Luckily, he has bestowed me with a beautiful collection of terrible, yet hilarious drunken voicemails, so I get a few Mulligan shots. I also get told it's funny, and I am thinking too much.

Strange thing, seeing someone crazier than me. love
Haha..that is hilarious. I drunken facebook. Weird right? It can get bad, but equally hilarious. At least you didn't start sexting. (I giggled when I heard that term the first time)
you know you have an open invitation. just lemme know ahead of time so i can plan to be in town.
I have been in bed ALL DAY.

Well, it's only 11:35am. But still. All hail the lazy ass.

I was sort of on the fence about whether or not to link up my dancer blog here but I figured what the hey. Yes, I use a pseudonym on there (a variation on my grandmother's middle name) and while I would love everyone to read it......
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so why did you come back?

i think i'm addicted to your dancer blog now.
I couldn't reactivate my old name for some reason, but yes. I am back to say hi, for a little while.

the artist formerly known as hypermediocrity.
You look so different as a blonde!
Although I didn't know you then, you seem that you might someday be a colleague of Mine (and I consider a colleague to be anyone who matriculates into medical school) ... so perhaps we should talk. I can share some advice, some thoughts, and some direction with you. And hell ... you're brilliant based on what I've seen thus far, and you're someone that medicine NEEDS. Say hi if you like ... and welcome back. smile