driving down the 77 south. 2 lanes. speed limit 65mph. the cars in the right lane are going 60-65mph, i am going 73mph in the left lane. there is a car behind me riding my ass, who swings around through a break in the right lane and slows down to 58-60mph right in front of me. i motion at them and say "wtf are you doing"(altho i know they can't hear) but then i guess they see me motioning and they turn their blinker on and point for me to move over to the slow lane.
i was going 8 miles over the speed limit, i was going faster than the slow lane, and if someone thinks i'm going too slow, why get in front of me and slow down to a speed that is below the speed limit? obviously you're in a hurry, why waste the time?
okay so my move out date is december 15th.
my head hurts.
i have work from 3-11/12pm tonight.
i was going 8 miles over the speed limit, i was going faster than the slow lane, and if someone thinks i'm going too slow, why get in front of me and slow down to a speed that is below the speed limit? obviously you're in a hurry, why waste the time?
okay so my move out date is december 15th.
my head hurts.
i have work from 3-11/12pm tonight.
Hurry up woman!