okay here is my situation:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
i don't have enough money to pay rent or my over due storange bill ON TIME because of the dates i will start getting paid. i worked out a chart of the money i will probably have for the next few months.
i explained my money situation to my roommate. last night i told him for this coming month, with the money ill be making, i won't be able to pay rent before the last day i can pay it, which is October 10th, but i will be able to pay it 2 days late, and afford to pay the late fee, and even have money left over.
he tells me that he doesn't want a late fee, that he doesn't like them and that late fees are for when someone ignores payments, and since i brought this to his attention he doesn't see it as me ignoring a payment. then he asked if he could just have 1/2 the rent before october 6th, and the other half the 12th/13th after i get paid. well last night i figured out my finances enough to where that was a feasable option. even tho id only have $4 a day for the next 30 days(til october 19th) for food gas and cigs. but i was gonna make it work. well then i remembered this morning "HEY! i also have a storage bill to pay for!"
i have to pay my storage bill for the month of September, which is now $86 with the late fee BEFORE the end of september OR there will be a $70 lean hold on it, AND i'll have to pay another $76 dollars for the month of october before october 5th on top of that. if i pay for october after the 5th it will go up to $86.
i had kept my roommate up to date on all of this and he wasn't too happy when i had said i wouldn't be able to pay 1/2 of the rent before the 6th, because he's going on a trip then and needed money. and i reiterated that i could pay rent, with a fee(i even offered mor emoney than the fee stated in our contract) after the 12th, but he didn't want that.
Fortunately Jake has offered to pay for my storage bill for this month, (but that means i'll still have to come up with $86 by the end of October. AND the same amount to pay him back at some point. and continue to pay it until i can move my stuff out, but i'm not gonna move out ov my storage when i don't even know if i'm gonna have a stable place to live)
so i told my roommate that i could go back to our deal with spliting the rent up now thatthe storage bill was covered. well all of this brought up many concerns i guess. he is under the assumption that even though i will be making 2.5 times rent at my job that it won't be enough. he also thinks that i'm gonna quit the job. and he thinks that something bad, like my car breaking will probably happen, and if it does that i won't be able to pay rent, or i will have issues again with rent. ANNNND he mentioned he wants to start charging me for part of the utilities since he's never home.
let me restate that after October 12th i will be fine on money. i'll be making almost 1000 a month. with 350 going to rent, i'll still have at least 600 bucks for gas, food, cigs, $80 storage fee, and whatever else i want. i know that with that money ill be able to visit Jake at least once a month, and save up for school even. so lets just say something happend with my car, unless it cost more than 400/500 dollars i could pay for it. but that isn't good enough for my roommate.
he seems ot think i can find a job that pays $15/hr but wants me to at least find a job that pays $12 an hour by the end of OCTOBER. hello!!!!!!! i looked for a job that was better than retail/customer service. with my experience level, and the fact that i keep quitting jobs(even tho it IS for valid reasons, like not getting enough hours or pay, or them being unprofessional, or me having to move) i can't find anything that's better than this with out knowing someone who could get a job for me. he thinks that i'm gonna get sick of this job and quit because i'll be working full time in a bad area.
1) i quit jobs because i don't work ENOUGH, not because i have to work full time, so that negates me quitting because i have to work too many hours.
2)$8 is the most i've ever made, so i'm not gonna quit unless i find a better paying job(which he wants me to do anyways!)
3) the area may be bad, but i'm tough and i like challenges SO FUCKING BRING IT ON!
4) i can get raises AND move up to management positions and higher. i just have to not quit, and work my ass off, which i want to do!
5) i worked full time(sometimes over time) for 8 months at 75 cents less than what i'm getting now, with more bills to pay for, and i still did it.
so i'm thinking that these are my options:
i can spend what free time i have when i'm not working or sleeping looking for another job. if i find one that will in fact pay me $12 an hour or more, i'll tell Circle K i'm gonna have to go down to part time, or only be able to work a couple days a week or something just because i can't quit ANOTHER job. but if i don't find one that pays that much, i'll have to work with that job and only work morning shifts.
if that doesn't please my roommate chances are i'll get a notice to move out. i don't know if he'd make me move out right away unless i couldn't pay rent(which i know i will be able to do) but he might want me out say in January if he isn't comfortable with my situation still.
[he says i have til the end of October to find something, so i'm thinking the earliest i'll get a notice to move out is at the end of November, but i doubt he'd make me do that, so he would probably tell me to leave the end of January if he does tell me to leave]
so i'm gonna save up as much money as i can and keep in mind that i might have to pay for a whole new deposit for a new room to rent. and i'll have to keep my ears open about places to move into(i.e. start looking now).
if i find something that's around the same price as this place or even a little more that will be okay. i just don't have the money RIGHT NOW to go anywhere, and i don't have a place i could stay for a month while i get the money saved up.
but hey if anyone knows of jobs, extra rooms or anything that could help that would be great. i just needed to write all this out to get my head around things.
and one last note: if i made $12/hr that would put me at 5.5 times rent here, making $1900/month. if i made $15/hr it's be closer to 7 times the rent here and i'd be making $2400/month. if i was making $1900 i'd be living in a nicer place, one that had a doornob for my room and bathroom, and was bigger than 100 square feet, and i'd eat out every night, and i'd have a bed bigger than a twin-sized, and i'd see Jake once a week(time allowing). and if i made $2400 i'd be able to rent a house, and do all that.
so seriously WTF? if i could get a job like that why am i renting a room at $350/month?
on another note i made progress with cleaning my room, and i cleaned the bathroom, and started on the kitchen. i'm getting antsy having to wait to work til friday. i really hope i can work a shit load. and hey if i end up working more than 30 hrs this next week, i'll have enough money to pay rent on time. so here's hoping right?