jason is leaving
the end

I don't know what to do about this. or how i feel about it.
Yes i do. I feel like shit. done.
TGIF! But not really, i have to work tomorrow. Yech. A full day, too, on regular pay. The sacrifices made for a 4 day weekend on the holiday.
The world is strange lately. I know that I'm feeling all funky, my energy flow is all kinds of messed up. I'm thinking of going to see my master for a treatment, get my chakras aligned again....
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I haven't had a smoke in 3 days.
Someone PLEASE tell me this feeling of wanting to kill everyone/everything goes away.
My kitty is passed out behind the 75gal snake tank and the snakes keep scooting by, checking him out, it's cute. (just so everyone knows, it's a 75gal tank, split into 2 enclosures for 2 baby balls. They are not housed "together" and...
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okay kids, i finally made an SG account. wOOt! so now for the manditory "getting to know you" first post tongue
On a dark and stormy night back in May of '84, Sarah (now Jones) pushed a little squacking baby girl out into the world. 6 mins later came her clone, but let's focus on the first kid, now shall we? She quite quickly became too...
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