I'm having a bad day... a bad week really...
My self esteem just kinda SUCKS right now. I'm not entirely sure why. I've known pretty much my whole life that I'll never be a "hot" chick. NEVER. I somehow missed the gene. Whatever class girls take in highschool that teaches them to be sexy, undeniably beautiful, and have everyone wrapped around their little finger, well......
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Thanx for your comment hunny<3 It means alot to me to know other people understand! You rock suga I'm sorry I couldnt have met you when I was in NH. Next time?
Um, your second profile pic, the one with the dark peachy/coral shirt and those electric blue eyes? I've clicked on it about 20 times while surfing by your profile and blog. That TOTALLY counts as turning around to look at you again! I'd even catcall, except that I'm a little shy, at least sober.
Oscar is in the emergency clinic (again) for another blocked up urethra (again!) I want him hoooooome... I miss my kitty frown He needs to go on a prescription diet now so this doesn't happen again. Can I please just have a furry kid without issues? I guess Tucker is the only normal one, he's just insanely stupid, LOL...
Back to painting. When we finally get...
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So i tried on my corset (the good one, there's a pic in the files, LOL) and it doesn't really fit anymore! It's too big! *whine* I'm glad I'm finally losing weight again (I was 220lbs at my highest, ick! I was 16) but i LOVE that corset! Well, i guess I can try to adjust it or something. It's got steel boning, so it'll...
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Off i go to the great northern woods...
Visiting my family for the next 5 days. I'll be traveling from Manchester, NH to Houlton, ME. Check that shit out on GoogleMaps, seriously. Then see where my sister lives, Eagle Lake, ME.
Yes, we have internet (and running water!) but I don't think my Mum would appreciate me checking SG while i was there....
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It's my birthday, I'm 23 whole years old...
Who's gonna give me birthday spankings? wink kiss
Happy birthday cutie! Hope to see you at an sgnh event!

I will and you need them you bad girl! wink

I've moved, life is good.
I've found a gluten free veggie burger, life is wonderful!
I've started to like who i am again, life is perfect...
Okay, so life isn't really perfect, but then it never is. I owe $1500 in taxes (about) but i got an extension. I'm so close to my goal weight (I used to be quite the porker....
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I would i.m. you if you were online for once!

And, yes...I'm a dick-friend (I need to call you!).

I have to see your new minion soonwink
Fuck Fuck motherfucking fuckers.
I seriously hate people sometimes.
http://poxyd.livejournal.com for why.
Until then, FUCK YOU. The End.

P.S. I'm moving! Who wants to come and help me pack so I don't have to KILL R's parents?
I got bored today...
So now I'm nekkid... down under... whatever blush

It's fun kiss
I'm Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!

I swear, I'm here. Hopefully I'm back for good now. What's new? I'll tell ya...
I've had a month worth of IV iron infusions, and I have to give myself B12 shots every month. I'll probably need another session of infusions every 3 to 6 months, but if that's what it takes, I guess I'll just have to suck it up and...
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I'm soooooo glad you are alive smile

I need to call you...soon wink
My week thus far: teh sux
Still to come?
Thursday: Small bowel follow through, basically meaning i drink lots of baruim and they take xrays all day, watching it go from one end to the other.
Friday: Medical Oncology appointment, seeing if i need the bone marrow biopsey, lots more blood work, and maybe a transfusion. (Good lord i hope so, I'm fucking tired)
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love love Nothing but LOVE love
Oh photo editing, you're so fun...
I had a hole poked in my arm today, they took my blood and didn't even give me a fun colored band-aid... It's already bruising like a mofo, too, because she went in one side of the vein and out the other, Grrrr... Hopefully this test will be better and I won't have to have a biopsey, but who...
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Photos are...good!

The force is strong in you...it is, yes wink love