so i was thinking about my cruise to the bahamas last year
and the food... the fucking food. our waiter brought out these amazing chocolate molten cakes.
i probably had my first real orgasm when i took a bite of that..
he kept bringing them to me. ugh. i would have married him that night, haha.
but anyway. i love chocolate. and i love good memories.
and i want my friends.
and Florida.
and i wanna go on a cruise again
lets go
and the food... the fucking food. our waiter brought out these amazing chocolate molten cakes.
i probably had my first real orgasm when i took a bite of that..
he kept bringing them to me. ugh. i would have married him that night, haha.
but anyway. i love chocolate. and i love good memories.
and i want my friends.
and Florida.
and i wanna go on a cruise again
lets go

Don't blame you though, that sounds like fun. Dude, thinking of you on the boat sunbathing... HOT!