Prom. This weekend. I will be there. I have blue hair. I will not be wearing my glasses or my normal array of silver jewelry/oddities. God, I've missed SF.
In other news, a new Marilyn Manson video just came out. Here's a little screencap of me trying to devour Vanessa whole. Or trying to hold myself up because I was deleriously tired at 3 or 4am...
This was shot about a month ago, and due to "wardrobe" confusion, some of us Suicidegirls that were present decided to step up and go topless. For the sake of art, of course. Nixon complimented my boobies a while back so I want to do the same. I couldn't keep away from hers! Unfortunately, none of that made it into the video.
I quit my job. I'd been there about two years and haven't been happy for probably the last year of that. But I've moved on to bigger and better things. Instead of being with a large company full of backstabbers and lack of communication, I'm now in a smaller company that utilizes yelling profanities across offices. I'm in heaven! I was given a set of speakers for my laptop when a coworker overheard She's Crafty- Beastie Boys playing on my itunes. HA!
I also, unfortunately, had to give up my Crackberry when I left my job. So I bought myself this. Then downloaded this and now everything works together! Luckily, I had the foresight to add all of my contacts from the crackberry into the mac. Amazingly, all of my contacts were transferred into my new phone.
Okay, boring journal. Must rinse my head and finish packing.
In other news, a new Marilyn Manson video just came out. Here's a little screencap of me trying to devour Vanessa whole. Or trying to hold myself up because I was deleriously tired at 3 or 4am...

This was shot about a month ago, and due to "wardrobe" confusion, some of us Suicidegirls that were present decided to step up and go topless. For the sake of art, of course. Nixon complimented my boobies a while back so I want to do the same. I couldn't keep away from hers! Unfortunately, none of that made it into the video.

I quit my job. I'd been there about two years and haven't been happy for probably the last year of that. But I've moved on to bigger and better things. Instead of being with a large company full of backstabbers and lack of communication, I'm now in a smaller company that utilizes yelling profanities across offices. I'm in heaven! I was given a set of speakers for my laptop when a coworker overheard She's Crafty- Beastie Boys playing on my itunes. HA!
I also, unfortunately, had to give up my Crackberry when I left my job. So I bought myself this. Then downloaded this and now everything works together! Luckily, I had the foresight to add all of my contacts from the crackberry into the mac. Amazingly, all of my contacts were transferred into my new phone.
Okay, boring journal. Must rinse my head and finish packing.
Cool video I just watched it on Vanessa's page. Another California SG Fan here. Hope you are doing well...Take care
freaky shit toes. but normal foot.