Edit: I fell out of bed last night having sex and hit my head on the nightstand. It hurts.
Ask me a question. I'm working on becoming more open.
So last journal, I mentioned my planned sarcasm to a certain o]scar winning actor who was going to be at my work. Story:
He was there for a screening, etc of a movie they'd completed editing.
I was asked to have someone take supplies to one of the editing bays. I grabbed supplies and went into the room I thought they meant. The room that OWA was in, assuming he was gone. He wasn't. So I introduced myself, set the supplies in place, asked if they needed anything at all. A martini was requested. I told him we were all out of vodka and gin as well. Ha ha, funny funny, blah blah blah.
As he was leaving for the day, he approached me and thanked me for the supplies but that it wasn't going to be enough, he was going to need more the next day. I told him I'd take care of it.
Went into the supply closet, took a decent sized box, FILLED it with notepads, sticky notes, spiral note books, highlighters, permanent markers, index cards and company logo pens. About 250? 300? At least. I went to my desk and quickly typed up a letter for him, basically saying that we wanted to make sure he had all the supplies he needed for the day, in the proper quantities and printed it on co. letterhead. Put the box in his edit bay for him to see when he arrived.
A little while later, I got this.
Notice the C- at the top. Mind you I think my grammar is pretty good.
Re wrote. Added the line "Thank you for not being too critical of my grammar." Re printed. Slipped under the door.
Get back this.
C+. I switched from using "our, we, us" to "my" with the line I'd added. Fucking shit.
Redo. Amazon searched a letter writing for dummies book. Added it my shopping list and printed. Gave to his assistant. Got this back.
It said, "Here's your stuff."
I got an A+ and he wrote, "(please frame)"
Later on said goodbye to him and thanked him for the day's entertainment. He hugged me and left me homecooked broccoli when he left for the day.
He aslo took the large box of office supplies with him, apparently saying "Who's gonna stop me?" laughing the whole way to his car.
Today he sent a note saying that he "accidentally" took "some" of our supplies with him and sent cupcakes to make up for it.
I love him.
Ask me a question. I'm working on becoming more open.
So last journal, I mentioned my planned sarcasm to a certain o]scar winning actor who was going to be at my work. Story:
He was there for a screening, etc of a movie they'd completed editing.
I was asked to have someone take supplies to one of the editing bays. I grabbed supplies and went into the room I thought they meant. The room that OWA was in, assuming he was gone. He wasn't. So I introduced myself, set the supplies in place, asked if they needed anything at all. A martini was requested. I told him we were all out of vodka and gin as well. Ha ha, funny funny, blah blah blah.
As he was leaving for the day, he approached me and thanked me for the supplies but that it wasn't going to be enough, he was going to need more the next day. I told him I'd take care of it.
Went into the supply closet, took a decent sized box, FILLED it with notepads, sticky notes, spiral note books, highlighters, permanent markers, index cards and company logo pens. About 250? 300? At least. I went to my desk and quickly typed up a letter for him, basically saying that we wanted to make sure he had all the supplies he needed for the day, in the proper quantities and printed it on co. letterhead. Put the box in his edit bay for him to see when he arrived.
A little while later, I got this.
Notice the C- at the top. Mind you I think my grammar is pretty good.
Re wrote. Added the line "Thank you for not being too critical of my grammar." Re printed. Slipped under the door.
Get back this.
C+. I switched from using "our, we, us" to "my" with the line I'd added. Fucking shit.
Redo. Amazon searched a letter writing for dummies book. Added it my shopping list and printed. Gave to his assistant. Got this back.
It said, "Here's your stuff."
I got an A+ and he wrote, "(please frame)"
Later on said goodbye to him and thanked him for the day's entertainment. He hugged me and left me homecooked broccoli when he left for the day.
He aslo took the large box of office supplies with him, apparently saying "Who's gonna stop me?" laughing the whole way to his car.
Today he sent a note saying that he "accidentally" took "some" of our supplies with him and sent cupcakes to make up for it.
I love him.
Are we still doing tomorrow night?