The thread for this week is about our New Year’s Resolutions, I’m going to speak about my resolutions :)
For the beginning, it’s necessary for me to find a full-time work, it would be very useful for my future projects.
So, eat more vegetables and more well-balanced food for loose my 8 pounds too that I took these 3 last years.
I also owe take my driving test and make more sport (and more often) to have a hottie body, invest in beautiful lingerie for satisfy my followers on SG or IG and eventually make a little relooking for feel me better in my Vans, and see all my french friends of this website at the meeting in april @vehera @tchabada @eileena @knivy @snowflake_ and all the others <3
And, of course, I hope to turn Pink with my first SG set who goes up in 3 months and for this, I need your support !
Thx to @Rambo & @Missy @LYXZEN for your thread ! <3
xo xo xo