HOORAY!!! No lead poisening! Thank goodness. We are still looking for another apartment, though. My husband has hated this place since we mooved in and the lead contamination was just the last straw for him... so I've been apartment hunting.
Amber's 9th b-day was lots of fun. She loved her presents, especially the ipod shuffle and the hermit crabs. She was very gracious too. We give token presents to the ones not having a birthday for being a good brother/sister. Amber delivered these to her brothers with a speech thanking them "for bringing lauhgter and fun into her life." SOOO cute! She is getting big.
Now the little one is sick with what the middle guy had. Here we go again. I have already cleaned puke and pee up off the floor and it's still early. I need a break one of these days.
My spiritual teacher, Karunamayi is coming to NY this weekend. I am excited to see her and always feel refocused on my spiritual growth after her yearly visits. She is an embodiment of Divine Love and just her presence feels very healing. It will be good for me to get redirected as I have not been meditating reguarly and have been out of sorts.
Worked with my therapist/shaman last night on my PMS which has been so feirce since I started cycling after my third baby. He said subconciously there is grief at not having any more babies. apparently this is a resonant issue for many many souls. We did some energy work and past life releases and I do feel better. We'll see what happens next month. Always interesting.....
Amber's 9th b-day was lots of fun. She loved her presents, especially the ipod shuffle and the hermit crabs. She was very gracious too. We give token presents to the ones not having a birthday for being a good brother/sister. Amber delivered these to her brothers with a speech thanking them "for bringing lauhgter and fun into her life." SOOO cute! She is getting big.
Now the little one is sick with what the middle guy had. Here we go again. I have already cleaned puke and pee up off the floor and it's still early. I need a break one of these days.
My spiritual teacher, Karunamayi is coming to NY this weekend. I am excited to see her and always feel refocused on my spiritual growth after her yearly visits. She is an embodiment of Divine Love and just her presence feels very healing. It will be good for me to get redirected as I have not been meditating reguarly and have been out of sorts.
Worked with my therapist/shaman last night on my PMS which has been so feirce since I started cycling after my third baby. He said subconciously there is grief at not having any more babies. apparently this is a resonant issue for many many souls. We did some energy work and past life releases and I do feel better. We'll see what happens next month. Always interesting.....
