I have discovered euphoria in a liquid form. Drinking Chocolate from Starbucks, they call it Chiante or something.
Oh My God.
I have heard that chocolate produces the same brain chemistry that falling in love does. One long sniff and I am swoonong. It's amazing.
Life is good.
I realized that I haven't seen my therepist in 3 months, so I think we are making some progress here! It helps to have some stirrings of a social life happening. I've made some good friends at my son's pre-k and there are the beginnings of some cooperative childcare exchanges happening.
It's is so good to see the village that it takes to raise a child falling more into place.
Also I met a girl. She is very sweet and we share interests in midwifery, birth and pottery. I have a crush
and my husband is very encouraging of this
He says he wants me to be happy, but there is always the alluring fantasy of the FFM.
We shall see if it goes there
So anyway, yeah, life is good.
Oh My God.
I have heard that chocolate produces the same brain chemistry that falling in love does. One long sniff and I am swoonong. It's amazing.
Life is good.
I realized that I haven't seen my therepist in 3 months, so I think we are making some progress here! It helps to have some stirrings of a social life happening. I've made some good friends at my son's pre-k and there are the beginnings of some cooperative childcare exchanges happening.
It's is so good to see the village that it takes to raise a child falling more into place.
Also I met a girl. She is very sweet and we share interests in midwifery, birth and pottery. I have a crush

We shall see if it goes there

So anyway, yeah, life is good.
Forgive me what is FFM??? Congrats on no therapist that rocks... Keep being strong... happy holidays (oh god that was trite)
Well that is good news about the therapist.