Went out with all the people from work. A lesson that always holds true: Renee'+whiskey= somebodys hooters are getting molested.
My boss is the coolest ever, and she has giant whoo-has, so raspberries had to be blown. Motorboats needed to be performed. And I was the lady for the job!
I had a bit of a coughing fit at the end of the night, I suppose my body was trying to remind me that I'm just barley over being sicky and whiskey wasn't the best of roads to take. Oh well, the rest of the night was grand!
My boss is the coolest ever, and she has giant whoo-has, so raspberries had to be blown. Motorboats needed to be performed. And I was the lady for the job!

I had a bit of a coughing fit at the end of the night, I suppose my body was trying to remind me that I'm just barley over being sicky and whiskey wasn't the best of roads to take. Oh well, the rest of the night was grand!


Damn, You have the right idea. ...I need to start saving my whiskey drinking for when there are whoo-has around! I seem to have been forming the habbit of drinking and emailing and/or texting. My girl is coming back real soon, I'm gonna bite your style when she gets here! drinking+boobs!!! woohoo! 

My kinda lady! I'd love to see you punch someone out for giving you a rabbit