Today was a good and bad day all at the same time.
1. Good: I slept a whole three hours last night, which makes me VERY happy! I went for a two mile walk and it felt wonderful, and my new glasses came in! (photos to come)
2. Bad: My car died! Bah! I was driving home from the eye doctor and it started puttering and passed out. I waited a minute, restarted it and was able to pull into a parking lot across the street. Then I figured I either call for a tow or risk driving the mile and a half I had left to my apartment. I drove. It died, one block from my driveway. I had to sit in a dead car in traffic for about five minutes, then it started again and I raced into my complex. Phew! I'll have to have it towed into a shop sometime in the next week. I'm lucky enough to work only a mile away, so I can walk

1. Good: I slept a whole three hours last night, which makes me VERY happy! I went for a two mile walk and it felt wonderful, and my new glasses came in! (photos to come)
2. Bad: My car died! Bah! I was driving home from the eye doctor and it started puttering and passed out. I waited a minute, restarted it and was able to pull into a parking lot across the street. Then I figured I either call for a tow or risk driving the mile and a half I had left to my apartment. I drove. It died, one block from my driveway. I had to sit in a dead car in traffic for about five minutes, then it started again and I raced into my complex. Phew! I'll have to have it towed into a shop sometime in the next week. I'm lucky enough to work only a mile away, so I can walk

But the sun came out today!!! 75 degrees!!!
...south of France cha cha cha,
...warm warm war, cha cha cha
Think of your dead car as freedom!