Dammit, I should have listened to you people!
I felt great all day yesterday, then last night I shared a bowl with my partner and wah-BAM! Guess whos super sicky again!? I didn't sleep at all last night, up hacking, my teeth actually hurt from coughing so much! Gey!
In better news, the weather here is fantastic today! Its in the low 50's, I've got all the windows and the patio door open; I'm really enjoying the fresh air.
You know how sometimes life hands you a card with a piece of shit on it? Yeah. I have a kittie, she is sweet and smart, and doesn't bother anybody, but she pees all over the floor. I've tried everything: new litter boxes, feremones, vet visits, cayenne pepper, dicipline etc. but there is no response. Its gotten so bad in the computer room that I can only sit at the computer for short periods of time without my nose tingling. Yeah, its that bad. I have to put her down next week and I am really dreading it. I'm going to be inconsolable for a while after that.

In better news, the weather here is fantastic today! Its in the low 50's, I've got all the windows and the patio door open; I'm really enjoying the fresh air.
You know how sometimes life hands you a card with a piece of shit on it? Yeah. I have a kittie, she is sweet and smart, and doesn't bother anybody, but she pees all over the floor. I've tried everything: new litter boxes, feremones, vet visits, cayenne pepper, dicipline etc. but there is no response. Its gotten so bad in the computer room that I can only sit at the computer for short periods of time without my nose tingling. Yeah, its that bad. I have to put her down next week and I am really dreading it. I'm going to be inconsolable for a while after that.
I'm sorry about the kitty. I wish I could think of something else, but the cayenne pepper was pretty much the last thing I had. I've never had to fight much past that.
yeaaah right. Told ya so
My buddy had a cat that did the same thing.
First of all, more than likely it's a urinary tract infection. Take it to another vet.
Otherwise, try putting catnip around the litterbox AND this is gross, but try it. Use a damp sponge to sop up the kitty piss and wring it out in the litter box. Use plastic gloves and it won't suck as bad. Then cover it up, and put the kitty in there. Try locking the door too to your computer room. Sometimes cats are funky about a particular room, especially if you're gone all the time and then spend lots of time in that room. It's a psychological thing where it's similar to having abandonment issues.
If all else fails...get a dog