About three years ago Greg and I inhereted a bed. Its a giant california king with a six inch pillow top. I fucking hate this bed. You sink into it and you practically have to do an acrobatics act to change positions, and sex in the thing (for the same sinking reason) in close to impossible. On top of all that, I'm allergic to the damn thing.
I was allergy tested a while ago, and it came back negative for everything other than "pollution" so I havn't a clue what in the mattress makes me sneeze... but it does. Every morning I wake up about two hours before my alarm goes off to pee, since we've had this &*^%ing mattress I can't fall back to sleep because I can't stop sneezing. Its been going on for three years now! I keep bringing up buying a new mattress but Greg just brushes me off.
To add a cherry to the sundae, Greg recently (about five months ago) started snoring to the tune of a helicopter taking flight, so sleeping has become somewhat of a commodity to me.
So this morning, same old thing, I wake up, pee, can't stop sneezing. I'm blowing my nose for the fifteenth time and he rolls over and says "Can't you just breathe through your mouth or something?" REALLY? REALLY MOTHERFUCKER????
So I stomped out of the bedroom, slammed the door, and slept the rest of the morning on the futon in the living room. And when he wakes up, I am going to hang him off the patio by his toes.

So this morning, same old thing, I wake up, pee, can't stop sneezing. I'm blowing my nose for the fifteenth time and he rolls over and says "Can't you just breathe through your mouth or something?" REALLY? REALLY MOTHERFUCKER????

Sucks about your lil sneezy bed issue!!! Good luck with that!
Ok, I'm sorry