I stretched my ears again two days ago, and they really hurt!
I just went from a 0 to a 00, and WHOA MAMA! Thems hurt! I bought silicone tunnels, and they really do make a difference, I'd reccomend them for stretching to anybody.
I say it over and over again, and here it comes once more: Chicago winter sucks! It was in the 40s yesterday, and todays high is 15. Fifteen! Thats bullshit! I'll be in Tucson soon, Jay!
I saw that movie "Good Luck Chuck" with Dane Cook and Jessica Alba last night, it did have some funny parts; but the #1 great thing about it... there were a ton of boobs!
All together now: YAY BOOBS!

I say it over and over again, and here it comes once more: Chicago winter sucks! It was in the 40s yesterday, and todays high is 15. Fifteen! Thats bullshit! I'll be in Tucson soon, Jay!
I saw that movie "Good Luck Chuck" with Dane Cook and Jessica Alba last night, it did have some funny parts; but the #1 great thing about it... there were a ton of boobs!
All together now: YAY BOOBS!

And speaking of boobs: