A note to all:
If you're going to get a massage, be sure to shower that day and trim your God damned toe nails. Thank you.
So other than the couple of gross people who have come through my treatment room (don't worry your little head, I wear gloves) my new job rules. I practically wear pajamas (scrubs), I'm making a lot more money, and in my down time I get to sit on my ass and read or play online. Once I get my own laptop I'll goof around on SG, but for now I'm on their computers and that might not be cool.
We've had a blizzard here since Tuesday, it finally let up last night. Three to four feet of snow, cold, brrrrrrr, frozen car, frozen roads. My car got stuck in the driveway out of work last night. I had to call Greg to come and push me out with his Jeep. My little Grand Am wasn't havin it. But then I got home and stuffed myself with fried mushrooms and baked mosticiolli. (sp?) I like food a lot.
I just have to remember, each day we get closer to November, is another day closer to my move to Tucson. (ahhhhhhhh yeah)
If you're going to get a massage, be sure to shower that day and trim your God damned toe nails. Thank you.
So other than the couple of gross people who have come through my treatment room (don't worry your little head, I wear gloves) my new job rules. I practically wear pajamas (scrubs), I'm making a lot more money, and in my down time I get to sit on my ass and read or play online. Once I get my own laptop I'll goof around on SG, but for now I'm on their computers and that might not be cool.
We've had a blizzard here since Tuesday, it finally let up last night. Three to four feet of snow, cold, brrrrrrr, frozen car, frozen roads. My car got stuck in the driveway out of work last night. I had to call Greg to come and push me out with his Jeep. My little Grand Am wasn't havin it. But then I got home and stuffed myself with fried mushrooms and baked mosticiolli. (sp?) I like food a lot.

I have a problem with random drunk fuckers, especially when I am pissed and a drunk fucker myself. Not a big touchy feely guy with people I don't know. Is that so unusual??
I was in Panama in '89 with the 75th Rangers for the removal of Noriega, and in Desert Storm in '90-'91 with the 1st Armored Division. I got through that fine, but got fucked up on a training exercise when my parachute didn't deploy correctly at 1,250 feet. I got my reserve open at about 200-250 feet, but still hit the ground doing about 80 mph. Fucked up my knees pretty bad and screwed my back up for a bit. A couple of knee surgeries later and it's all good