Anybody have any tips on how to keep a cat from peeing all over the place??
Heres the trouble:
I had two females and a male for about two years, all three 'fixed'. Then I brought in another male, which the vet said would be alright since the original male (Murphey) had already established his alpha status. To our surprize, the second male (Otis) turned out to be a pure bred maincoon. At six months old he outweighed Murphey by three pounds. Now hes (Otis) a year and two months old and about 18 lbs, hes like having a toddler.
Murphey couldn't keep his status because Otis is so much bigger than him, so even though they're both fixed Murphey is peeing all over the apartment to mark his territory. Even worse, one of the females is following his lead just because she feels like it.
I've tried homeopathics, the spray and plug in feremones, and I've tried covering the carpet in plastic rubbed down in bleach, and they still pee. What do I do?! I already have to get the carpet replaced (the smell is atrocious) and I haven't heard any different suggestions!! HELP
Heres the trouble:
I had two females and a male for about two years, all three 'fixed'. Then I brought in another male, which the vet said would be alright since the original male (Murphey) had already established his alpha status. To our surprize, the second male (Otis) turned out to be a pure bred maincoon. At six months old he outweighed Murphey by three pounds. Now hes (Otis) a year and two months old and about 18 lbs, hes like having a toddler.
Murphey couldn't keep his status because Otis is so much bigger than him, so even though they're both fixed Murphey is peeing all over the apartment to mark his territory. Even worse, one of the females is following his lead just because she feels like it.
I've tried homeopathics, the spray and plug in feremones, and I've tried covering the carpet in plastic rubbed down in bleach, and they still pee. What do I do?! I already have to get the carpet replaced (the smell is atrocious) and I haven't heard any different suggestions!! HELP

Feliway, and enzyme action for cats. Put feliway in the room the cats use the most, enzyme action the spots that the cats have marked repeatedly, using a black light to find them. Give it a few days, repeat. If it doesn't work, you might want to consider rehomeing one.
I used to put back pepper and cayenne pepper on the floor in the areas that my ex roommates cats would always piss in. They hated that