Alright sexy people. I am not just back now, I am well rested and no longer in a traveled-across-too-many-time-zones comatose state.
First and foremost: I demand a few bragging rights, not about the super Alaskan vacation I just had, but about the amazing laundry room sex that took place last night! I was reading my last Playboy when I started getting quite hot and bothered so I went boyfriend hunting. He was laying across the recliner in the living room, book in hand. So I leaned over and told him that I wanted to fuck him in the apartment building laundry room. Oh my fucking god, it was so hot Yay public sex!
Otherwise, Alaska was just as great as all your old fogie aunts and uncles who have done the Alaskan cruise thing have told you. My partner and I have actually put some serious thought into moving. We checked out housing prices, cost of living and have researched a bit into getting up by Jeueno (sp?) or Anchorage. Jeueno has a climate that is much milder that of Chicagos, and the people were amazing. We stopped into the only Tattoo shop in town and my guy was hired on the spot. I do massage therapy, and I found literally sixteen chiropracters offices in town looking to hire. No joke, there is a shortage of me in Jeueno. In Anchorage, the cost of living is much lower, but the tempretures get up to forty degrees lower there than in Jeueno. On the other hand, although Jeuenos temeratures range from about 20 (F) in the winter to 70-75 (F) in the summer (sweet!), it is a rainforest so it rains ALL the damn time. Also, it can only be accessed by boat or airplane. DECISIONS!
Either way, I totally want to move. The people are cool as hell, there is a decent down-town area with bars that aren't full of douche-bags, the scenary is astounding, and having a mountain in your backyard is only a half hour drive from the city. I want it.
Anybody live in or know anybody who lives in Alaska???
First and foremost: I demand a few bragging rights, not about the super Alaskan vacation I just had, but about the amazing laundry room sex that took place last night! I was reading my last Playboy when I started getting quite hot and bothered so I went boyfriend hunting. He was laying across the recliner in the living room, book in hand. So I leaned over and told him that I wanted to fuck him in the apartment building laundry room. Oh my fucking god, it was so hot Yay public sex!
Otherwise, Alaska was just as great as all your old fogie aunts and uncles who have done the Alaskan cruise thing have told you. My partner and I have actually put some serious thought into moving. We checked out housing prices, cost of living and have researched a bit into getting up by Jeueno (sp?) or Anchorage. Jeueno has a climate that is much milder that of Chicagos, and the people were amazing. We stopped into the only Tattoo shop in town and my guy was hired on the spot. I do massage therapy, and I found literally sixteen chiropracters offices in town looking to hire. No joke, there is a shortage of me in Jeueno. In Anchorage, the cost of living is much lower, but the tempretures get up to forty degrees lower there than in Jeueno. On the other hand, although Jeuenos temeratures range from about 20 (F) in the winter to 70-75 (F) in the summer (sweet!), it is a rainforest so it rains ALL the damn time. Also, it can only be accessed by boat or airplane. DECISIONS!
Either way, I totally want to move. The people are cool as hell, there is a decent down-town area with bars that aren't full of douche-bags, the scenary is astounding, and having a mountain in your backyard is only a half hour drive from the city. I want it.
Anybody live in or know anybody who lives in Alaska???
They WANT teachers, they will give you money for just coming if you are a teacher. I have friends who do seasonal work on fishing boats and tenders and they love it. The winter is the problem, I think.
I suggest moving to Portland Oregon as a fair comprise, you will adore it!