ok, so i decided to write something in here tonight. today was busy and stressful/frusterating. i could hardly talk i was so tired after work, i sounded like had taken too many hydrocodones and somas. but, i guess for 300 a day, i can do it heh. blehblehbleh...i miss home but its not toooo bad up here. im really hoping a storm will hit minniapolis so i can hang there. much more too do than in fucking nebraska.
things are going to be different when i go home.
i need to way organize my life.
i need to undoe burnt bridges.
maybe i'll work on catching sunrise after bedtime instead of before.
no donut runs in the mornings
i need to keep that violin case open and never shut it without having bloody fingers.
i miss my sisters back in texas.
you know....even tho im working my ass off here, it is really a sortive open breathing space.
i can feel it everytime from all directions lay nothing but fields and crops and all things humble. there is a camp site a little south of omaha last i met a family there. it was one of the most revealing encounters with someone. they were amish, with a little girl named addy. her mother tought me to sew and shared her simple life with me. i came away from it inspired.
i also met a women named Dorothy with her three leged dog Toto, no joke.....but
thats besides the point.
ive had to speak quite a lot of spanish here because no one else i work with speaks it. its fun. well....except when mr.ciriaco delgado asked, "tienes telephono?"
i miss falling in love
things are going to be different when i go home.
i need to way organize my life.
i need to undoe burnt bridges.
maybe i'll work on catching sunrise after bedtime instead of before.
no donut runs in the mornings
i need to keep that violin case open and never shut it without having bloody fingers.
i miss my sisters back in texas.
you know....even tho im working my ass off here, it is really a sortive open breathing space.
i can feel it everytime from all directions lay nothing but fields and crops and all things humble. there is a camp site a little south of omaha last i met a family there. it was one of the most revealing encounters with someone. they were amish, with a little girl named addy. her mother tought me to sew and shared her simple life with me. i came away from it inspired.
i also met a women named Dorothy with her three leged dog Toto, no joke.....but
thats besides the point.
ive had to speak quite a lot of spanish here because no one else i work with speaks it. its fun. well....except when mr.ciriaco delgado asked, "tienes telephono?"
i miss falling in love
well, i diddn't think there was an omaha, tx in the austin vicinity. hey, what can you do.
It is dinosaurs