so last night i sat front row at tori. it was a badass show and a badass was outside in austin hill country heh so many trees you couldnt count. she was absolutely beautiful like always. i was lucky once again and found joel her security guard and talked the little fucker into handin over those front row tix he hides. so is so much tinier in person. it is so strange having someone that talented standing 2feet away from you heh. you just want to freak out but not freak out too much so you just end up not moving. i met these two really cool girls. evidentely the digital camara my friend had brought wasnt charged! MAN I WAS SO just went dead, so no badass closeups. thats alright, there's always next time. you know, now that i have been writing in my makes me really wish i had kept them when i was a little one. little people think and say the silliest things. im sure it would've been a hoot. too bad. i had some of the best bread ive ever tasted today. it was like wheatberry....mmn it was so ggood it had little nut things in it. heh i finally figured out how to work my scanner and went crazy with it. i scanned a whole bunch of pictures of my boobs...hmm maybe i'll put it in my profile haha. bleh i cant think of anything i guess thats it for now .

dude you should've kidnapped her for me.