Time for an update. Not really sure why, maybe cause i was tired of looking at the pictures of my colon i posted in my last entry.
Not much to say, cept lots of working.
I've been away from home for approximately 180 days. Im not so much homesick as i am wanting to be done so i can spend all my money
God, i wish more than anything i could keep a real journal. I honestly dont know how to do this. Typically when i want to write something in here, its just words scrambled up. Sometimes its pretty, sometimes its colorful, sometimes its about me, sometimes about you, and you, or you.
Today, it was absolutely magical outside. After a summer of excrutiating heat, there was a chill. The sun still reflected on the water, and it still felt as if any minute it could betray, but it was refreshing. It reminded me of how nov and dec feel in Texas. The late or all together absent winters, empty trees, the world just a slight tint of grey. Of course ive had wonderful summers, fell in love one summer, gave it all away one summer; but fall is always new. I seem to grow and change the most during this season. I think too, many really good memories with my family have happened during fall. Since i was just a baby, up until recently, all my family (extended) have gotten together for thanksgiving, christmas and new years. Its always a huge get together. My grandma had 7 kids, and they all had 2+ kids...and we are all very close. I mean, ive hung out with my great aunts and uncles and second cousins on many occasion. Most people these days, unfortunately dont even see their grandparents. every Christmas, we would pile in the car, drive down to my Grandmas house outside of Houston. It was a long 4 hr drive. and "are we there yet" was said a many a time. My sister and i fought THE whole time. Sometimes we slept, but mostly we fought.
There would be 20+ relatives at my Grandmas house, and everyone brought lots and lots of presents. All the grandkids would make beds on the floor, on and under the pooltables, anywhere there was room. And every Christmas morning, you would wake up to every childs fantasy. A room you could not even walk in, with presents stacked up to the ceiling. Grandma always made every single one of us grandkids a little baggie of goodies for our presents. She usually put cookies in there, jewelry for the girls, little army men for the boys, an apple, an orange, and some various nuts. She always put them in fancy bags, and decorated them. Each grandkid would get between 5-8 presents(Depending on how old you were[the younger, the more stuff you got]) My Grandma would spend hours in the kitchen with my aunts, making the best feast in the world. Sometimes, when i remember these things, it doesnt even feel like im talking about my family, feels like im talking about some cheesy lifetime movie. And maybe thats what it was, cheesy, but it was great, and it was my childhood, and it was good. There is a bittersweet aspect to it all, now everyone is grown, everyone has moved away, gotten married. Still lucky to have all of my family live in Texas though.
People ask if there were a day you could relive, it would most definetly be Christmas morning, at Grandmas house.
Did i mention how much i love Christmas
My exboyfriend hated holidays. It wasnt much of a celebration. His family was so impersonal. I felt incredibly sad for him. It was so awkward every year during the holidays for us, he never wanted to anything, if i were to mention us riding around to look at christmas lights, he probably would have laughed. I never even put up a Christmas tree until after he moved out. Soon after that, my dad surprised me one day in November. He had spent approximately $60 at the dollar store and bought me a Christmas tree, lights, decorations, stockings, the absolute neccesities. That year, i didnt take my tree down for months, and left the curtains open, and lights on every night.
One of the last pictures i have with my aunt who passed away was taken during our family Christmas. I absolutely treasure it. Even though it does have someones blurry thumb in the corner.
When i was in elementary, the coolest thing in the world was to have THE best Christmas themed clothing. One year, my sister and i got similar sweaters. Mine had a big Christmas tree on it, with little danglybobs and bells and lights. I had earings that looked like Christmas lights, that lit up and everything. I was SO the shit. I have a picture of me in it, i'll have to dig it up and post it one day. It'll be funny.
One year, my dad surprised my sister and i. He set up the water hose so that it dripped on the big oak tree on the front yard. There was supposed to be a freeze that night. We we woke up, we had our very own personal icicle tree. I gots pictures of that too
We played swords with the icicles and ran around like maniacs.
Another Christmas, my grandpa got his heart. He had gotten so sick, they actually took him off the list, but a day after he was put back on, he got it. And hes had it for 6 years. And he does normal grandpa things. He goes fishing. He builds tables and bird houses from scrap wood. (a bench he made and sold ended up having termites) hehe. so hes working on not using the really shitty wood anymore. He did start wearing suspenders, which is the strangest thing ever. He was always very thin, until the steroids and rejection meds for his heart. Now his belly is big. And he wears suspenders.
My grandparents now live next door. I love that they are so close.
I havent figured out entirely, where i'll be this Christmas, or how im going to spend it. But i cant wait.
Today felt good.

Not much to say, cept lots of working.
I've been away from home for approximately 180 days. Im not so much homesick as i am wanting to be done so i can spend all my money

God, i wish more than anything i could keep a real journal. I honestly dont know how to do this. Typically when i want to write something in here, its just words scrambled up. Sometimes its pretty, sometimes its colorful, sometimes its about me, sometimes about you, and you, or you.
Today, it was absolutely magical outside. After a summer of excrutiating heat, there was a chill. The sun still reflected on the water, and it still felt as if any minute it could betray, but it was refreshing. It reminded me of how nov and dec feel in Texas. The late or all together absent winters, empty trees, the world just a slight tint of grey. Of course ive had wonderful summers, fell in love one summer, gave it all away one summer; but fall is always new. I seem to grow and change the most during this season. I think too, many really good memories with my family have happened during fall. Since i was just a baby, up until recently, all my family (extended) have gotten together for thanksgiving, christmas and new years. Its always a huge get together. My grandma had 7 kids, and they all had 2+ kids...and we are all very close. I mean, ive hung out with my great aunts and uncles and second cousins on many occasion. Most people these days, unfortunately dont even see their grandparents. every Christmas, we would pile in the car, drive down to my Grandmas house outside of Houston. It was a long 4 hr drive. and "are we there yet" was said a many a time. My sister and i fought THE whole time. Sometimes we slept, but mostly we fought.

There would be 20+ relatives at my Grandmas house, and everyone brought lots and lots of presents. All the grandkids would make beds on the floor, on and under the pooltables, anywhere there was room. And every Christmas morning, you would wake up to every childs fantasy. A room you could not even walk in, with presents stacked up to the ceiling. Grandma always made every single one of us grandkids a little baggie of goodies for our presents. She usually put cookies in there, jewelry for the girls, little army men for the boys, an apple, an orange, and some various nuts. She always put them in fancy bags, and decorated them. Each grandkid would get between 5-8 presents(Depending on how old you were[the younger, the more stuff you got]) My Grandma would spend hours in the kitchen with my aunts, making the best feast in the world. Sometimes, when i remember these things, it doesnt even feel like im talking about my family, feels like im talking about some cheesy lifetime movie. And maybe thats what it was, cheesy, but it was great, and it was my childhood, and it was good. There is a bittersweet aspect to it all, now everyone is grown, everyone has moved away, gotten married. Still lucky to have all of my family live in Texas though.
People ask if there were a day you could relive, it would most definetly be Christmas morning, at Grandmas house.

Did i mention how much i love Christmas

My exboyfriend hated holidays. It wasnt much of a celebration. His family was so impersonal. I felt incredibly sad for him. It was so awkward every year during the holidays for us, he never wanted to anything, if i were to mention us riding around to look at christmas lights, he probably would have laughed. I never even put up a Christmas tree until after he moved out. Soon after that, my dad surprised me one day in November. He had spent approximately $60 at the dollar store and bought me a Christmas tree, lights, decorations, stockings, the absolute neccesities. That year, i didnt take my tree down for months, and left the curtains open, and lights on every night.

One of the last pictures i have with my aunt who passed away was taken during our family Christmas. I absolutely treasure it. Even though it does have someones blurry thumb in the corner.

When i was in elementary, the coolest thing in the world was to have THE best Christmas themed clothing. One year, my sister and i got similar sweaters. Mine had a big Christmas tree on it, with little danglybobs and bells and lights. I had earings that looked like Christmas lights, that lit up and everything. I was SO the shit. I have a picture of me in it, i'll have to dig it up and post it one day. It'll be funny.
One year, my dad surprised my sister and i. He set up the water hose so that it dripped on the big oak tree on the front yard. There was supposed to be a freeze that night. We we woke up, we had our very own personal icicle tree. I gots pictures of that too

Another Christmas, my grandpa got his heart. He had gotten so sick, they actually took him off the list, but a day after he was put back on, he got it. And hes had it for 6 years. And he does normal grandpa things. He goes fishing. He builds tables and bird houses from scrap wood. (a bench he made and sold ended up having termites) hehe. so hes working on not using the really shitty wood anymore. He did start wearing suspenders, which is the strangest thing ever. He was always very thin, until the steroids and rejection meds for his heart. Now his belly is big. And he wears suspenders.
My grandparents now live next door. I love that they are so close.
I havent figured out entirely, where i'll be this Christmas, or how im going to spend it. But i cant wait.
Today felt good.

what do you mean you dont know how to journal
you just wrote a thesis on holidays, heh