Hello All and Welcome. There is a wonderful beautiful boy laying in my bed. oh, wait...thats just my ex-boyfriend. HELP ME GOD! No- WE'RE NOT FUCKING-YOU PERVS! HAHA-
As i have stated in other journalings, i currently have no friends....of course some of it may be my fault but you can only put up with underage wino's or pregnant drug addicts for so long, come on peeeeople! So, here i am-writing like my first hot check-missed this semseter-eating frosted flakes with no milk-forcing the only friend i have to come hang out with me!-actually after two years thinking, this time it might be good to move back home-
No more reality check please!!! Almightly force/being/allseeing thing-a-ma-jigger-release me from this learning experience, because, no offense BUT YOURE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, i am pretty much sure that i have gathered what i need during my time served. I've quit smoking cigarettes and pot- i hardly drink, i dont perv on naked chicks(mwhaha) OK OK I DO SHIT BUT ONLY TO ADMIRE THE WONDERMENT OF THE HUMAN FORM!
I'll try and lay off all other recreations that take away the motivation/inspiration to create and expand Who I Am/Who I Will Become.
Oh Sorry Lord/Christ/Savior person i still refuse to go to church. Im SORRY NO NO NO-GOD i hate it. please please dont make me go NOOOOOO!!!!!
So- I really came here and told myself that i wasnt going to complain! I am totally in the situation cause i put myself here! And since I'm such a down-to-earth-practical Taurus, i cant spend much time feeling sorry for myself because OF COURSE somewhere, someone else is worse off! starving!dying!Losing their children! being victim of racism-sexism-all the -ISM's-
So- this may not have anything to do with my astrological sign-and i am just a silly silly girl in a silly silly place losing all her silly silly dreams
The thing that has always been the easiest for me- is giving advice. Everyone always listens to me- even if i havent been throught the experience myself, somehow i still have perspective that helps people.
The thing that has always been the hardest for me-is taking my own god-dammed advice.
I will leave you with the dream i had last night.
I was being held captive and i escaped for a minute, i ran. It was one of those dreams where your legs felt really heavy tryin to run. I made it up this spiral staircase to a large room. I think the floor was just like a slab of clean concrete, the walls just windows with sun coming in-very bright, a room full of wall length windows. A man caught up with me and found me in the room. He asked me if wanted some air. He opened the great big windows. He asked why i didnt want to come closer for the air. I said," If I come to close to windows, i want to jump."
Love To The Bunny Fans
As i have stated in other journalings, i currently have no friends....of course some of it may be my fault but you can only put up with underage wino's or pregnant drug addicts for so long, come on peeeeople! So, here i am-writing like my first hot check-missed this semseter-eating frosted flakes with no milk-forcing the only friend i have to come hang out with me!-actually after two years thinking, this time it might be good to move back home-
No more reality check please!!! Almightly force/being/allseeing thing-a-ma-jigger-release me from this learning experience, because, no offense BUT YOURE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, i am pretty much sure that i have gathered what i need during my time served. I've quit smoking cigarettes and pot- i hardly drink, i dont perv on naked chicks(mwhaha) OK OK I DO SHIT BUT ONLY TO ADMIRE THE WONDERMENT OF THE HUMAN FORM!
I'll try and lay off all other recreations that take away the motivation/inspiration to create and expand Who I Am/Who I Will Become.
Oh Sorry Lord/Christ/Savior person i still refuse to go to church. Im SORRY NO NO NO-GOD i hate it. please please dont make me go NOOOOOO!!!!!
So- I really came here and told myself that i wasnt going to complain! I am totally in the situation cause i put myself here! And since I'm such a down-to-earth-practical Taurus, i cant spend much time feeling sorry for myself because OF COURSE somewhere, someone else is worse off! starving!dying!Losing their children! being victim of racism-sexism-all the -ISM's-
So- this may not have anything to do with my astrological sign-and i am just a silly silly girl in a silly silly place losing all her silly silly dreams
The thing that has always been the easiest for me- is giving advice. Everyone always listens to me- even if i havent been throught the experience myself, somehow i still have perspective that helps people.
The thing that has always been the hardest for me-is taking my own god-dammed advice.
I will leave you with the dream i had last night.
I was being held captive and i escaped for a minute, i ran. It was one of those dreams where your legs felt really heavy tryin to run. I made it up this spiral staircase to a large room. I think the floor was just like a slab of clean concrete, the walls just windows with sun coming in-very bright, a room full of wall length windows. A man caught up with me and found me in the room. He asked me if wanted some air. He opened the great big windows. He asked why i didnt want to come closer for the air. I said," If I come to close to windows, i want to jump."
Love To The Bunny Fans