Sometimes i think i 'will' things to happen. Er, at least i'm always trying and thinking and imagining such things.
When i'm driving in my truck, for some time now, i keep trying to will road debris to fly into my windshield. Ok. Let me explain. I don't have a death wish, er wanna die er get hurt. And the mere thought of my truck being messed up makes me cringe.
For a couple years now, when i see flying cardboard, paper, plastic, etc dazzling and twisting in some wind vortex that has been created by the thousands of vehicles before mine; i just wish it to slap into my truck. The reason i want this to happen is because, well, i just want it to because i know it wont. It JUST wont.
So everyday, when things go 'shwwoooosshhhhhhhhH!' Over the top/side of my truck, im a little bummed out.
No matter how tight i squeeze my mouth closed, or grip my little hands on the wheel, im not gonna 'will' any of that shit into my windshield. I am amazed and frusterated at the pure science of it all.
I'm still gonna do it though. It's always just a teensy weensy bit exciting to think it might.
Sometimes i think i 'will' things to happen. Er, at least i'm always trying and thinking and imagining such things.
When i'm driving in my truck, for some time now, i keep trying to will road debris to fly into my windshield. Ok. Let me explain. I don't have a death wish, er wanna die er get hurt. And the mere thought of my truck being messed up makes me cringe.
For a couple years now, when i see flying cardboard, paper, plastic, etc dazzling and twisting in some wind vortex that has been created by the thousands of vehicles before mine; i just wish it to slap into my truck. The reason i want this to happen is because, well, i just want it to because i know it wont. It JUST wont.
So everyday, when things go 'shwwoooosshhhhhhhhH!' Over the top/side of my truck, im a little bummed out.
No matter how tight i squeeze my mouth closed, or grip my little hands on the wheel, im not gonna 'will' any of that shit into my windshield. I am amazed and frusterated at the pure science of it all.
I'm still gonna do it though. It's always just a teensy weensy bit exciting to think it might.
In men, the herpes blisters usually form on the penis, but can also appear on the scrotum, thighs, and buttocks. Less than half of the men with primary herpes experience the "constitutional symptoms." A significant percentage of men (30-40%) have a discharge from the urinary tube.
i like it when i am missed in the creepy way though!!!!