I am a person completely removed from politics. This is a very "dirty" thing that makes people to intrigue, to show the hidden and negative side. I would never want to drive even a small city, but if I had to steer the whole world, I have introduced three basic rules:
First: is nuclear disarmament of all the powers that have nuclear weapons. Why spend a lot of money on improving and maintaining that we will take down to hell in the end. Nuclear weapons no one will ever be able to apply in military actions, unless you set a goal to destroy all life and to live underground in a futuristic tunnel. I would not like to get this prospect later in life. Therefore, total nuclear disarmament! Who do not comply - court-martialed and unconditionally. I that perpetual peace is a utopia. There will always be intrigue and internecine war. But at least it is necessary not to admit that it would destroy the entire ecological system of the planet.
Second, the death penalty for poachers. Hell, our ecosystem begins to die from our actions. How many species of animals are under threat due to the fact that they are killed for the sake of beautiful and rare skins, tusks and horns. We have reached the point that paint the tusks of elephants and horns of rhinos paint to save them from the killing and keep animals. Poaching will thrive as long as there is demand for these materials. Therefore, the death penalty and for those who buy the contraband.
Third: I want to revise the program of garbage collection in Africa, or when recovering a huge garbage freighters in the ocean and thereby clogging up the entire ecosystem. I want to work as many plants for processing secondary raw materials and to launch the production of environmentally-friendly materials. I understand that recycling is expensive and you need to take from the finances. And then remember the first rule about the prohibition of the production and maintenance of nuclear weapons. We also get security and fix the hole in the budget. Unfortunately, many workers will have to undergo retraining and to start to build a career in a different field, but this program I would have considered)
So peace to you all and take care of our nature!
Next topic: time capsule! So, I planned for this year pretty impressive list for me. I have done the following items:
- To make a new tattoo) I even exceeded, as more and corrected the old
-Make a new set. My new set is ready to see the world in two weeks) I soon plan to get another one, so it will be hot
-My first competition in powerlifting. And they went quite well. Although not everything went smoothly, but I'm preparing to autumn more seriously and work on technique and increasing the weights)
-Remained only to go on a honeymoon, which we didn't have last year. But until we do and release is not expected. Although we will continue to ride and fun in the summer. But what's our anniversary - we'll see. I hope that in autumn we go to the resort and I will keep all that in mind this year)