Well, today I officially put in my two weeks notice. Is it foolish to quit when you don't have another job lined up, to a certain extent, yes it is. It is very foolish. Do very few people succeed when they quit thinking they can go out on their own and manage? Yes again, it won't be easy.
But I really had to do it. I have to believe in myself, just as everyone out there needs to believe in themselves. Can I succeed on my own? I know I can. I don't need that job to continue to take advantage of me. Working for a shit boss doing boring work. Nah, I'd rather go make my own path instead of just blindly walk through the stereotypical I hate my office job, the "new American dream" that most people expect. I don't want to do that, so I'm going to fight hard to make sure I don't get stuck in that.
I imagine a lot of people here on SG don't want to do that either. I say you should go for your dreams. If your current job sucks really hard and makes you miserable go out and apply to other jobs. Work on improving yourself and making yourself a stronger person towards getting that dream job you have. I know not many can afford to quit their job and risk everything on themselves, but you should feel confident that you can do it. You know yourself better than anybody else, so when you ask yourself, "Do I have the potential to succeed?" Don't lie to yourself. If you can't do it, accept it for now and then work hard to make yourself better until you can succeed. And if you know, truly that you can succeed, go for it.
I know I'm rambling more then a little bit, but I felt like getting all this off my chest. There are many people that think poorly of my choice, that now look down on me for doing it. I know I'm right, I can't afford to not be right, and I certainly can't afford to NOT believe that I am right, so I'll keep on going and make it happen.