Sometimes - there just isn't a clear cut, black and white, yes or no.
Sometimes - there is no easy answer.
Sometimes, there is a compromise. It's beneficial and productive and is for the greater good.
Other times....a compromise can only go so so much...before it's side effects breed resentment, hostility, and even contempt.
Sometimes - one can make a sacrifice that one can live with and still be quite content in the long run.
Other times - one shouldn't have to. And one shouldn't even be asked to.
Open communication, compromise, sacrifice, give and take...
Sometimes one gives more than the other, and other times the other gives more than the one.
But how too much?
And how not enough?
Sometimes......there are just no easy answers.
Sometimes, there just isn't a clear cut, black or white....yes or no.
Sometimes - there is no easy answer.
Sometimes, there is a compromise. It's beneficial and productive and is for the greater good.
Other times....a compromise can only go so so much...before it's side effects breed resentment, hostility, and even contempt.
Sometimes - one can make a sacrifice that one can live with and still be quite content in the long run.
Other times - one shouldn't have to. And one shouldn't even be asked to.
Open communication, compromise, sacrifice, give and take...
Sometimes one gives more than the other, and other times the other gives more than the one.
But how too much?
And how not enough?
Sometimes......there are just no easy answers.
Sometimes, there just isn't a clear cut, black or white....yes or no.
Hope you're feeling better! Your comment in my journal had me rollin! Damn kids get off of my lawn was classic!