Wow - It seems like TV just gets worse and worse.
We watched Showtime's new Kirstie Alley show, Fat Actress.
O M F G. It was SO AWFUL. I know the idea was to "address the socially relevant concept of being a woman who is overweight". And it's a concept that could have worked.
But it didn't. It was actually like sitting in a junior high cafeteria and listening to the bullies make fun of the fat girl.
Truly cringe-worthy. They didn't even hesitate to perpetuate that "black men dig fat white chicks" stereotype in an unbelievably classless manner.
What the HELL are these writers and producers THINKING???
And don't even get me STARTED on regular network TV.
When I bother watching it....I prefer the commercials over the shows.
They are usually much more creative and entertaining.
But then - I've always been like that
When I was a little kid, and someone tried to talk to me while I was watching TV, my Mom would laugh and say
"Not during the commercials! She won't hear you."
Maybe I should have gone into advertising
I think my all-time favorite ad campaign has to be the Budweiser frogs/Lizards/Frog Retaliation
Very funny and quite unique, IMO.
My recent favorite is also brought to you by Budweiser - it's got a retro feel to it because they've brought back the Clydesdales, which I love.
Anyway - three of these gorgeous horses keep getting pelted with snowballs, and then the camera pans over to the OTHER three horses, and they appear to be snickering. Another snowball flies and hits the apparent leader of the group being
Said leader meanders slowly over to the tree under which the culprits stand. He swings his substanial hind end and smacks the trunk of the tree....knocking loose a ton of snow right down onto the heads of the snowball-hurling bunch.
He "cackles" as the other three stand there looking silly covered in snow.
Great stuff!!
So I know you guys have paid at least SOME attention to commercials.
What are your favorites?
We watched Showtime's new Kirstie Alley show, Fat Actress.
O M F G. It was SO AWFUL. I know the idea was to "address the socially relevant concept of being a woman who is overweight". And it's a concept that could have worked.
But it didn't. It was actually like sitting in a junior high cafeteria and listening to the bullies make fun of the fat girl.
Truly cringe-worthy. They didn't even hesitate to perpetuate that "black men dig fat white chicks" stereotype in an unbelievably classless manner.
What the HELL are these writers and producers THINKING???
And don't even get me STARTED on regular network TV.
When I bother watching it....I prefer the commercials over the shows.
They are usually much more creative and entertaining.
But then - I've always been like that

When I was a little kid, and someone tried to talk to me while I was watching TV, my Mom would laugh and say
"Not during the commercials! She won't hear you."
Maybe I should have gone into advertising

I think my all-time favorite ad campaign has to be the Budweiser frogs/Lizards/Frog Retaliation

My recent favorite is also brought to you by Budweiser - it's got a retro feel to it because they've brought back the Clydesdales, which I love.
Anyway - three of these gorgeous horses keep getting pelted with snowballs, and then the camera pans over to the OTHER three horses, and they appear to be snickering. Another snowball flies and hits the apparent leader of the group being
Said leader meanders slowly over to the tree under which the culprits stand. He swings his substanial hind end and smacks the trunk of the tree....knocking loose a ton of snow right down onto the heads of the snowball-hurling bunch.
He "cackles" as the other three stand there looking silly covered in snow.

Great stuff!!
So I know you guys have paid at least SOME attention to commercials.
What are your favorites?
It seems like Kirstie Alley is getting desperate for the spotlight, which is sad because she used to be smart and classy and now she's becoming the next Anna Nicole. Yes, the issue of overweight women in the media needs to be addressed, but not in a juvenile and stereotypical way. I always loved the women of The Practice for being themselves and refusing to lose a few pounds just to look like all the other women on tv. Media and eating disorders--that was my sociology research paper and my mass media paper. Can you tell this girl is a bit media obsessed?
I'm torn at the moment on the labret. My favorite piercer appears to not be working this week--she had surgery recently and I'm not sure if she's been back at work at all yet. So my other options include going to that studio and having another piercer do it, one of whom has a bad rep with oral piercings, or going to the place where my kitty tatt was done. I haven't been pierced by those guys and haven't heard anyone who has been. My boy has gift certificate for this shop that he is willing to give me, since he doesn't want them to tattoo him after my experience. I'm leaning toward either giving them a shot or waiting til my week off in April, and having Meg, coolest piercer ever, do it.
instead of "who let the dogs out", apparently because the guy didnt bring his VISA card when he made the purchase f the CD at the music store, lol