My hubby and I went out last night to a little club in the Adams Morgan neigborhood in DC. It's a smallish place called Mantis - the upstairs is a Thai/pan Asian restaurant and the downstairs is one of those dark, subterranean dance clubs.
I'm sure my friend Tony felt he was being cool serving me double screwdrivers all night....I guess *technically* it was cool of him. I don't normally drink vodka, so I wasn't aware that I was drinking doubles.
Yeah, so about halfway through cocktail number five, I came to the startling realization that I was basically cross-eyed drunk.
I am, simply put, too old to do this sort of my body is unhappily reminding me today. It's one of those "My head feels like someone hit me with an ice pick, and if I go outside for any reason, I will catch fire from the sunlight" kind of days.
We did have a great time, however
There was some sort of lobbyist dinner earlier in the evening and a good number of them ended up at crammed into the club sector of Mantis, along with some congressional staffers and even two Senators
You might think "Wow - lobbyists and staffers and Senators - THAT had to be boring..."
Not so much.
These people are more into debauchery that any other sort of crowd. And let me tell you - neither the female lobbyist nor the male staffer that were slobbering all over me AND my husband were smooth.
And they don't take rejection very well
And then I had to laugh when the resident peddler of street pharmaceuticals arrived - dude actually seemed to think he was inconspicuous.
TOO funny.
Very entertaining night, all told.
Except, of course, for my present
I'm sure my friend Tony felt he was being cool serving me double screwdrivers all night....I guess *technically* it was cool of him. I don't normally drink vodka, so I wasn't aware that I was drinking doubles.
Yeah, so about halfway through cocktail number five, I came to the startling realization that I was basically cross-eyed drunk.

I am, simply put, too old to do this sort of my body is unhappily reminding me today. It's one of those "My head feels like someone hit me with an ice pick, and if I go outside for any reason, I will catch fire from the sunlight" kind of days.
We did have a great time, however

You might think "Wow - lobbyists and staffers and Senators - THAT had to be boring..."
Not so much.
These people are more into debauchery that any other sort of crowd. And let me tell you - neither the female lobbyist nor the male staffer that were slobbering all over me AND my husband were smooth.
And they don't take rejection very well

And then I had to laugh when the resident peddler of street pharmaceuticals arrived - dude actually seemed to think he was inconspicuous.
TOO funny.
Very entertaining night, all told.
Except, of course, for my present

I'm like you with the hangovers, esp since 30. It hasn't made me a cheap date, though, just a cheap headache. Alas.
I'm so bad about being overly nice to pissed off people, it really is entertaining in such an evil way. I used to do that when I worked as a bouncer, it's even funnier with drunks.