So I woke up a remarkably good mood. This is a big deal for someone like me who regularly wakes up feeling icky and hostile. I think something in my genetic makeup makes me just LOATHE waking up the way a vampire loathes sunlight.
I was even able to tolerate the family in line behind me at the Dunkin Donuts with several children whining about what kind of doughnuts they wanted. And I hadn't even had my coffee yet.
Amazing. Simply amazing!
Seeing as how I was in this unusually good mood - I've been puttering around the house with my coffee, and thinking about silly things.
You know - those silly *little* things that make you laugh, or at least grin.
For example:
I had a roommate years ago who had the goofiest sense of humor. She brought home a potted plant one day, sat it on top of the TV, and declared that it's name was "Robert". Made me laugh. STILL makes me laugh
Another old roommate of mine, who was (and still is) completely insane, was napping on the couch one afternoon. She woke up abruptly, jumped up quickly, stood on the couch and announced
"Fear me. I'm Batman."
One night after a particularly long and brutal shift at the Bistro I worked at in DC, that Sheryl Crow remake of "The First Cut is the Deepest" came on the sattelite radio station. VERY whiny song. One of my co-workers started to sing along, adding a bit of a theatrical sob to the lyrics. Then the bartender followed suit, singing with a louder sob. In comes another co-worker - he doesn't bother to sing - he just does this really loud choking sob as back up. Within the next 30 seconds, pretty much the whole staff was loudly and comically wailing to the song.
TOO funny.
Then there is my husband, for whom being silly is a way of life
He has a habit of changing the lyrics of songs he doesn't care for into a tribute to our cats.
(To the tune of The Killers "Somebody Told Me")
~"Somebody told me/You had a cat that
Looks like the cat that/I had in February of last year
It's not confidential/ That she's got potential/For running around and around and around...."~
Yep - very silly
IMO, these silly things are the things that make life good.
What are some of YOUR stories of random silliness?
I was even able to tolerate the family in line behind me at the Dunkin Donuts with several children whining about what kind of doughnuts they wanted. And I hadn't even had my coffee yet.
Amazing. Simply amazing!

Seeing as how I was in this unusually good mood - I've been puttering around the house with my coffee, and thinking about silly things.
You know - those silly *little* things that make you laugh, or at least grin.
For example:
I had a roommate years ago who had the goofiest sense of humor. She brought home a potted plant one day, sat it on top of the TV, and declared that it's name was "Robert". Made me laugh. STILL makes me laugh

Another old roommate of mine, who was (and still is) completely insane, was napping on the couch one afternoon. She woke up abruptly, jumped up quickly, stood on the couch and announced
"Fear me. I'm Batman."
One night after a particularly long and brutal shift at the Bistro I worked at in DC, that Sheryl Crow remake of "The First Cut is the Deepest" came on the sattelite radio station. VERY whiny song. One of my co-workers started to sing along, adding a bit of a theatrical sob to the lyrics. Then the bartender followed suit, singing with a louder sob. In comes another co-worker - he doesn't bother to sing - he just does this really loud choking sob as back up. Within the next 30 seconds, pretty much the whole staff was loudly and comically wailing to the song.
TOO funny.
Then there is my husband, for whom being silly is a way of life

(To the tune of The Killers "Somebody Told Me")
~"Somebody told me/You had a cat that
Looks like the cat that/I had in February of last year
It's not confidential/ That she's got potential/For running around and around and around...."~
Yep - very silly

IMO, these silly things are the things that make life good.
What are some of YOUR stories of random silliness?
Oh why oh why do cool, cute, smart, funny chicks live so far away..........
My whole life is random silliness. One of my ongoing jokes with a friend of mine is that he only gets laid if Tool puts out a new album. I can't even remember how it started, but we crack up whenever Tool is mentioned.