*note to self*
Dear Self -
If neccessary, throw body between husband and clerk to prevent husband's future attempts to purchase chocolate covered espresso beans.
We stopped at a Starbucks today while out and about - I got myself a double shot cappucino and a roll. My husband isn't a big coffee drinker - so he decided to buy himself a bag of chocolate covered espresso beans.
Maybe 10 minutes later, I had a live action version of
Corn-HO-lio in my car. I'm not kidding. He even had his sweatshirt and jacket pulled up over his head like a hood and was cackling wildly.
When he started with the
"I've come for TEE PEE for my bung-HOLIO", I started laughing so hard I nearly ran off the road. After yesterday's toliet paper scavenger hunt, it was too much
My husband is insane. Which is why I love him
In other news.....I'm going to go get a Monroe piercing tommorrow.
I think.
I'm a little nervous about the prospect - 6 to 10 weeks of healing time in such a visible spot....I dunno.....
Dear Self -
If neccessary, throw body between husband and clerk to prevent husband's future attempts to purchase chocolate covered espresso beans.
We stopped at a Starbucks today while out and about - I got myself a double shot cappucino and a roll. My husband isn't a big coffee drinker - so he decided to buy himself a bag of chocolate covered espresso beans.
Maybe 10 minutes later, I had a live action version of
Corn-HO-lio in my car. I'm not kidding. He even had his sweatshirt and jacket pulled up over his head like a hood and was cackling wildly.
When he started with the
"I've come for TEE PEE for my bung-HOLIO", I started laughing so hard I nearly ran off the road. After yesterday's toliet paper scavenger hunt, it was too much

My husband is insane. Which is why I love him

In other news.....I'm going to go get a Monroe piercing tommorrow.
I think.
I'm a little nervous about the prospect - 6 to 10 weeks of healing time in such a visible spot....I dunno.....
I say go for the monroe--it'd look good on you. If you don't like it, you can always take it out and probably only have a tiny scar that would be coverable with makeup. If you do it, see if your hubby will take pics of you while its being done--nothing like needles sticking out of your face to freak people out later.