i cant wait for summer..
my agenda for june-july:
1. going camping
2. finding a friend that has a trampoline
3. have ridiculous amounts of fun..
ive noticed over the past few years im dressing
more and more like an old lady.. well like an old lady that was hip in the sixties or something.. but today i wore
a golden girls lacey dress..
my agenda for june-july:
1. going camping
2. finding a friend that has a trampoline
3. have ridiculous amounts of fun..
ive noticed over the past few years im dressing
more and more like an old lady.. well like an old lady that was hip in the sixties or something.. but today i wore
a golden girls lacey dress..
when do we get to see the button-art?
I like when lists include: Have lots of fun! You know it's a serious list when that makes it on.