hello friends. it's a slow sunday morning. i'm alone in my little attic suite making coffee with cardamom in (thanks for the hint, zarina) and thinking about putting together a delicious mushroom-filled tofu scramble.

(me right now)
got some new shoes and tried to take photos of them but maybe i have been on suicidegirls for too long. i just can't take a photo of myself without going into sexytown mode. it's a serious handicap.

classless by malloreigh, on Flickr
well, anyway, they are from the new vegan shoe store in vancouver, nice shoes. obviously i shop there!
so, lately i have been feeling far more mature (after all, i bought high-heeled shoes), but i have also been feeling really... i don't know what the word is for it. everything i do now, i've been doing for some time now. most of my friends i've had for years. i feel almost set in my ways. i'm happy and stable and calm. it's nice, especially when i look back at my SG history. i've been on this site since december 2003, which was seven and a half years ago. how insane is that?

tough luck by malloreigh, on Flickr
i reorganized my kitchen shelves yesterday:

pantry shelves by malloreigh, on Flickr
i even posted a list of all of the herbs and spices i have in stock on my food blog. do any of you have a better-stocked spice pantry than mine? i would like to meet it, if so!
tell me: what are your most indispensable herbs, spices, or flavour additives when you cook for yourself, friends, and family?

got some new shoes and tried to take photos of them but maybe i have been on suicidegirls for too long. i just can't take a photo of myself without going into sexytown mode. it's a serious handicap.

classless by malloreigh, on Flickr
well, anyway, they are from the new vegan shoe store in vancouver, nice shoes. obviously i shop there!
so, lately i have been feeling far more mature (after all, i bought high-heeled shoes), but i have also been feeling really... i don't know what the word is for it. everything i do now, i've been doing for some time now. most of my friends i've had for years. i feel almost set in my ways. i'm happy and stable and calm. it's nice, especially when i look back at my SG history. i've been on this site since december 2003, which was seven and a half years ago. how insane is that?

tough luck by malloreigh, on Flickr
i reorganized my kitchen shelves yesterday:

pantry shelves by malloreigh, on Flickr
i even posted a list of all of the herbs and spices i have in stock on my food blog. do any of you have a better-stocked spice pantry than mine? i would like to meet it, if so!
tell me: what are your most indispensable herbs, spices, or flavour additives when you cook for yourself, friends, and family?
The new guy at work is a red seal cook who worked in restaurants for years so I asked him where he draws the line. I was a bit surprised by his answer, he went with chef first and then cook. Rememded me about 'I smart enought to know how little I know' . He said that everyone who came out of school would come into work with their whites on and say I'm a chef and be all ego. Apparently it says 'Cook' on the red seal you get when you finish cooking school. Curse english for it unpredicatble word uses good luck grand prelate of the kitchen.