sex! youth! fuckery!
what has she been up to lately? (she being me.) it's the end of the semester and i've been schoolworking like mad and dealing with every-so-often disappointments in my own performance (i got a B- and sulked about it all day). i also have a few projects on the go that i'd really rather be dedicating my time to.
rin came to visit. it was great!
also, i took photos of a friend of mine who has had a set go up in member review before - that i also shot. i really love them. here's a favourite:
we'll see where that goes.
as i grow and learn, i realize more and more, again and again, that the more secure i become in what i believe, the less i have in common with most of the rest of the population. sometimes it's sad to feel myself growing away from dear friends, but other times it's joyful to feel like i'm crafting the life i want to have.
(brooch by rin at dove grey dawn, referencing donna haraway's cyborg manifesto. some of my dear friends from years past feel uncomfortably about the word "feminist"; i don't.
have also been feeling, lately, very rewarded to be becoming part of my city in a real way. i am creating things here. i belong here. this is my home and i am part of it and it is part of me. i have chosen to make vancouver what i want, instead of leaving it for a city that has certain things i wish this city had.
22-365-22-03-11 by malloreigh, on Flickr
what has she been up to lately? (she being me.) it's the end of the semester and i've been schoolworking like mad and dealing with every-so-often disappointments in my own performance (i got a B- and sulked about it all day). i also have a few projects on the go that i'd really rather be dedicating my time to.
rin came to visit. it was great!
also, i took photos of a friend of mine who has had a set go up in member review before - that i also shot. i really love them. here's a favourite:
we'll see where that goes.
as i grow and learn, i realize more and more, again and again, that the more secure i become in what i believe, the less i have in common with most of the rest of the population. sometimes it's sad to feel myself growing away from dear friends, but other times it's joyful to feel like i'm crafting the life i want to have.
(brooch by rin at dove grey dawn, referencing donna haraway's cyborg manifesto. some of my dear friends from years past feel uncomfortably about the word "feminist"; i don't.
have also been feeling, lately, very rewarded to be becoming part of my city in a real way. i am creating things here. i belong here. this is my home and i am part of it and it is part of me. i have chosen to make vancouver what i want, instead of leaving it for a city that has certain things i wish this city had.
22-365-22-03-11 by malloreigh, on Flickr
thanks so much for the thoughtful response. have a great weekend!