love it. anyway, go look at it and leave me a comment:

anyhow, life's splendid. on the weekend i went waterskiing in northwestern washington, just over the border. it was my first time and i was actually fairly successful at it! my shoulders are bloody killing me now... i don't have a lot of upper body strength. i really need to develop those muscles and it is a true mystery to me why i haven't been playing tennis this season. (i maybe should buy some real sport shoes and shorts that aren't made of denim, but...)
let's see: we've been updating the blog as ever. i really enjoy having that as an outlet.
i had a nightmare last night that i was hellishly behind in school and then woke up in a panic. actually i need to go to campus right now to buy a book, but i'm writing here instead. shit.
new favourite skirt. killer.
summer fashion concept: ponytail, vest.
see? summer fashion concept in action again. i swear i do not beat my girlfriend. she got accidentally elbowed in the face by a skinny drunken gay man at a dance party.
note to self: clean bathroom mirror, catch up on reading for school, get a head start on your term paper.
what are three things you are going to do TODAY to make your life easier? list 'em!
... bathe.
... eat some delicious food and watch the shows that I downloaded last week.
(does that count as three things or four? hmmm)