hey guys - you know how i get weird internet copycats sometimes? i'm just wondering if anyone has found one recently that's still up, or has screenshots of any of the other ones - people who have stolen my photos/name and have constructed an online identity for themselves. i'd really appreciate anything you can send my way!
note: this is for research, not for personal vendettas.
so i've moved... ugh... now i just have to unpack. it was such a disorganized, crazy move. i'm so happy that i'm in my new place now. things are still kinda nuts, but hey, it's canada day - it's a bloody holiday. happy 142nd, canada.

look, i'm co-starring in shanti's set, break in!

note: this is for research, not for personal vendettas.

so i've moved... ugh... now i just have to unpack. it was such a disorganized, crazy move. i'm so happy that i'm in my new place now. things are still kinda nuts, but hey, it's canada day - it's a bloody holiday. happy 142nd, canada.

look, i'm co-starring in shanti's set, break in!

P.S.: If you ever find out who did this, feel free to send le a note concerning his anchestors.