sorry, everyone, that i've been so bad about responding to comments. i read ALL of them, but i don't make time to respond to them until it's too late. i wish i was better about it and i am making an effort.
hey... in case you didn't know, i have a set in member review. i'm not really the type to post all crazy about it, but i do want it to go up at some point. i don't know. maybe more comments would help, though i don't really think that's how it's done, but i think it's pretty good.
this is it.

vote for me!
the election went terribly in canada.
i hope it goes better in the america. this blog by matthew frickin' good speaks of some of my fears... as does a recent postsecret.

"it's only a matter of time..."
Nonetheless, the question that has to be asked, even though it's sixteen years after the fact, is whether or not the same thing will occur on election day in two weeks. Bradley lost in 1982, and it wouldn't be until 1989 that Douglas Wilder would become the first African American Governor of a State, that being Virginia. But even in Wilder's case, he saw a 9% lead on election day shrink to only a 1% lead when all was said and done.
According to a study conducted by Harvard's Daniel Hopkins, no significant signs of the 'Bradley-Wilder Effect' have been present in Senatorial or Gubernatorial races between 1989 and 2006. That said, Barack Obama, who is currently leading John McCain in every major poll by various margins, is running to become the 44th President of the United States, which means that we're in uncharted waters.
what do you think?
also, you might be interested in this... ellen talks about sarah palin, who supports amending the constitution to BAN EQUAL MARRIAGE.
The fact that Harper made it back in is not a joke. It's a fucking tragedy.
On a happier note, your set is incredibly beautiful and makes me miss you so much that I have a lump in my throat as I type this.