i'm in australia! and my apostrophe/quotation mark key is acting up, so forgive any punctuational errors i might make.
it's so warm. i'm excited - new zealand was beautiful but chilly, like home (canada), and i had to wear a sweater every day. it's nice to be able to wear shorts and feel warm, even if there are flies swarming around and a big hole in the ozone layer above us. (i'm in sydney.)
it's halloween tomorrow... i wish i could be more excited, but they just don't really do halloween down here and it's hard to remember it's so close to halloween when there's no decorations and the leaves aren't turning lovely colours and falling, spinning down from trees to be crushed under foot and wheel... but i am going to party, i am!
i am going to be a schoolboy zombie. i wish i could have done something more elaborate but when you're backpacking, it's tough to carry around a lot. i'm already full to bursting!
here are some of my photos from new zealand...
it's so warm. i'm excited - new zealand was beautiful but chilly, like home (canada), and i had to wear a sweater every day. it's nice to be able to wear shorts and feel warm, even if there are flies swarming around and a big hole in the ozone layer above us. (i'm in sydney.)
it's halloween tomorrow... i wish i could be more excited, but they just don't really do halloween down here and it's hard to remember it's so close to halloween when there's no decorations and the leaves aren't turning lovely colours and falling, spinning down from trees to be crushed under foot and wheel... but i am going to party, i am!
i am going to be a schoolboy zombie. i wish i could have done something more elaborate but when you're backpacking, it's tough to carry around a lot. i'm already full to bursting!
here are some of my photos from new zealand...
as always, there are more on flickr. i'm going to put a website together with all my travel photos eventually.
hey - i'm really behind on sets! have any gone up over the last couple months that are absolute MUST-SEEs? recommend me some!
happy halloween.