OMG U GUYZ. there is NO internet in new zealand! it's seriously balls! i'm just editing my previous entry because i have lots of comments to respond to, but currently i'm on a public computer, on DIAL-UP, and any moment someone will be all like "your 20 minutes were up a long time ago, fo sheez."
rest assured that i am doing lots of adventuring and soul-searching. in fact i think i have grown six mental feet since leaving canada. it's lonely and damn cold and blustery here but i'm strong and tough. (chicks dig me cuz i'm tough.) (or maybe because i'm soooo suave.) i'm in kaikoura and heading to christchurch tomorrow. despite the name, it seems to be at least somewhat rad, with more vegan eats than even auckland. oh, and i've picked up a few terms of kiwi slang... be fortified against my lameness.
have been filling up the slow hours by reading (books are hella expensive here, so i've been reading my favourites in small snippets til the bookstore employees tell me to leave - fuck you whitcoulls) and working on websites that'll be ready to launch mere moments after i get to s_eldorado's house and log on to his wireless internet. but first, christchurch, dunedin, perhaps queenstown, and melbourne, AUS. ai yai!
if you want to see some of my burning man photos check it out y'all:
i've also uploaded some of my new zealand photos and maybe california ones too. those are just the few that made the cut to flickr. once i have a mo' to ftp, i'll have all of my travels thus far posted on my website too.
so, the most important thing i've learned lately is the value of home. what's the most important thing you've learned lately?
rest assured that i am doing lots of adventuring and soul-searching. in fact i think i have grown six mental feet since leaving canada. it's lonely and damn cold and blustery here but i'm strong and tough. (chicks dig me cuz i'm tough.) (or maybe because i'm soooo suave.) i'm in kaikoura and heading to christchurch tomorrow. despite the name, it seems to be at least somewhat rad, with more vegan eats than even auckland. oh, and i've picked up a few terms of kiwi slang... be fortified against my lameness.
have been filling up the slow hours by reading (books are hella expensive here, so i've been reading my favourites in small snippets til the bookstore employees tell me to leave - fuck you whitcoulls) and working on websites that'll be ready to launch mere moments after i get to s_eldorado's house and log on to his wireless internet. but first, christchurch, dunedin, perhaps queenstown, and melbourne, AUS. ai yai!
if you want to see some of my burning man photos check it out y'all:
i've also uploaded some of my new zealand photos and maybe california ones too. those are just the few that made the cut to flickr. once i have a mo' to ftp, i'll have all of my travels thus far posted on my website too.
so, the most important thing i've learned lately is the value of home. what's the most important thing you've learned lately?
I can't believe I never fully noticed the awesomness that is your sets. I like them.

serious wowness. continue having awesome times lady