Time to answer the questions from my last post.
Q. Do you ride a bike? Tell me about it! Does it have a name?
I have two bikes - soon to be four if I have my way. My first, very reliable and oldest bike is named Frankie. Frankie is a brown ladies cruiser ("Free Spirit"). Steel rims, steel frame, heavy as fuck. Ten speeds but I only use four. I also only use 2 of my six softnesses of sketching pencil. I don't need that many variations. Frankie rattles a bit but I've done quite a bit of work on it (not a him or a her, an it) and I love it dearly.

(The sticker on the down tube says "I <3 Vegetarian Girls")

My second bike is tentatively called Isabelle. She's a bright red, super-shiny Raleigh road bike, also heavy as a bitch. White grip tape - so pretty - but there's ALWAYS something wrong with this bike. I've done SO much work on it and it's never been in perfect condition. Argh, I just want to sell it. Right now my roomie is riding it.
This spring I'm planning on building a little road bike for myself, light frame, MAYBE fixed gear but more likely a five speed freewheel. I also want a li'l minibike for bombing around on and for events and such.
Q. What is your morning routine?
My alarm clock goes off at 8:02am. I hit snooze three times. It's almost 8:30 at this point. I've snuggled with my cat a bit by now. I get up, choose some underpants, do my thing in the bathroom. My cellphone alarm goes off at 8:35am; if I'm still in bed, I get up, and on weekends it wakes me up so I can go about my day. At around 9am I make breakfast, do anything I need to do that morning, then get on my bike and head to work.
If it's grey out I'm usually in bed til at least 8:45 and sometimes 9:15; I don't have to leave the house til 9:30. I can't use the computer in the morning or else I am late for work. It's hilarious.
For breakfast I usually have a bowl of muesli with rice milk, shredded coconut and any extra nuts or dried fruits that I have around. If I have frozen bananas and some extra time I make a smoothie with some warm oatmeal, frozen banana, coconut milk, shredded coconut and cocoa. Amazing...

This is from Februaryish.
I also have a new profile picture...

From a few weeks ago. My hair's gettin' long...
Q. What do you usually have for breakfast on a work/school day? How about on a day off?
Q. How many times a week do you eat at a restaurant or get takeout? How many of those are breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Q. What is one really weird thing that you dislike that most people don't dislike?
Q. Do you ride a bike? Tell me about it! Does it have a name?
I have two bikes - soon to be four if I have my way. My first, very reliable and oldest bike is named Frankie. Frankie is a brown ladies cruiser ("Free Spirit"). Steel rims, steel frame, heavy as fuck. Ten speeds but I only use four. I also only use 2 of my six softnesses of sketching pencil. I don't need that many variations. Frankie rattles a bit but I've done quite a bit of work on it (not a him or a her, an it) and I love it dearly.

(The sticker on the down tube says "I <3 Vegetarian Girls")

My second bike is tentatively called Isabelle. She's a bright red, super-shiny Raleigh road bike, also heavy as a bitch. White grip tape - so pretty - but there's ALWAYS something wrong with this bike. I've done SO much work on it and it's never been in perfect condition. Argh, I just want to sell it. Right now my roomie is riding it.
This spring I'm planning on building a little road bike for myself, light frame, MAYBE fixed gear but more likely a five speed freewheel. I also want a li'l minibike for bombing around on and for events and such.
Q. What is your morning routine?
My alarm clock goes off at 8:02am. I hit snooze three times. It's almost 8:30 at this point. I've snuggled with my cat a bit by now. I get up, choose some underpants, do my thing in the bathroom. My cellphone alarm goes off at 8:35am; if I'm still in bed, I get up, and on weekends it wakes me up so I can go about my day. At around 9am I make breakfast, do anything I need to do that morning, then get on my bike and head to work.
If it's grey out I'm usually in bed til at least 8:45 and sometimes 9:15; I don't have to leave the house til 9:30. I can't use the computer in the morning or else I am late for work. It's hilarious.
For breakfast I usually have a bowl of muesli with rice milk, shredded coconut and any extra nuts or dried fruits that I have around. If I have frozen bananas and some extra time I make a smoothie with some warm oatmeal, frozen banana, coconut milk, shredded coconut and cocoa. Amazing...

This is from Februaryish.
I also have a new profile picture...

From a few weeks ago. My hair's gettin' long...
Q. What do you usually have for breakfast on a work/school day? How about on a day off?
Q. How many times a week do you eat at a restaurant or get takeout? How many of those are breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Q. What is one really weird thing that you dislike that most people don't dislike?
But I've been told a lot lately that I have a bad sweet tooth. I think it might be a Cuban thing because I never got that back home. For example, I drink a latt-ish Cuban equivalent that is a lot sweeter than regular coffee, and I grew up on another drink called guarapo which is raw sugar cane juice.
Interestingly enough, I've never been all that into candy though. I never ate wrapped candy stuffs or chewed gum or any of it. Which is why I didn't get that deep fried candy bar at breakfast, that sounded like death on a stick.