Work managed to pay me 67 instead of the 943.36 over time they owed me. Great thing is it's unlikely I'll be seeing that cash till next months pay check, which considering it was ment to be in last months pay check really fucks over my spending for this month. What really helps is they're not answering the phone in the HR department. Now I...
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Hello, where have you been?
So this has been a shit week.
First of all my cat dies. I have not seen George for about three months as I've been to busy to see my dear Mother. George was an odd little cat. He desided he was living with my brother, my mother and me around 19 years ago. He was a show quality outdoors cat who liked everyone and...
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First of all my cat dies. I have not seen George for about three months as I've been to busy to see my dear Mother. George was an odd little cat. He desided he was living with my brother, my mother and me around 19 years ago. He was a show quality outdoors cat who liked everyone and...
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Time for a random (well not really as it's going to pay remote attention to the English language and have some form of shap) ramble.
To kick things off, the gig was plain awesome, I'm slightly scared how pretty Cats on Fire are, they look like the master race, I sware Sweed has cheated in genetics. The Pocketbooks made me so happy that I danced...
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To kick things off, the gig was plain awesome, I'm slightly scared how pretty Cats on Fire are, they look like the master race, I sware Sweed has cheated in genetics. The Pocketbooks made me so happy that I danced...
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For those of you with a taste of motown, twee and generally great music I am heralding (like a medievel pimp) The soon to be release albums from the How Does it Feel to be Loved label of:
Butcher Boy- React or die (second album, Morrisy likes it who are you to question him? off the older album, the newone is breath taking)
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Butcher Boy- React or die (second album, Morrisy likes it who are you to question him? off the older album, the newone is breath taking)
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I'm trying to work out how I know you/ recognise you...
the music is too soft/corny for my taste, but I am a sucker for violins.
(the butcher blah blah)

I may have become obsessed again. While digging though my DVD collection, a task that is considered akin to climing Everest with only a assma pump, I rediscovered the greatest film ever. Dragon Ninja. See your excited by the title! Dragons are awesome and ninjas, although almost pumped dry, rock. There are no redeaming features to this film, every aspect is painful, from the direction...
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I've found myself stalled on the current idea of a piece of work based on personal truths. Each time I expand beyond what I've posted I seem to find myself in dead ends for the character. While I konw the idea has legs it's not something I'm going to look at for a time to see if I can't expand upon it after removing myself...
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To clarify, the idea of languge, math and of music are flawed as they are the same thing within the idea, also my "N" is temprimental. The fact is language is recogised as a limited form of communication as is music as both are socially bias. What if, in the setting of fiction, we assume that the arabic concept of 0 is flawed? That negative numbers are intrinsictly different from whole numbers? And that communicaion and math are the same thing? NNo idea where this is going but it's worth thought. Please also direct me to any other work with these ideas.
were you at the Sex Workers Open University events? I totally forgot to invite you, d'oh! Would have been interesting to meet. Though I wouldn't have helped you with the above issue.

Very rough draft of what I've currenly been working on:
I'm going to lie. This a fact. I do not mean this in a paradoxical way, don't go trying to double guess if my initial statement is, in it's self a lie, I'm not that kind of person. Okay so that last part was a lie, I am that type of person. An arsehole....
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I'm going to lie. This a fact. I do not mean this in a paradoxical way, don't go trying to double guess if my initial statement is, in it's self a lie, I'm not that kind of person. Okay so that last part was a lie, I am that type of person. An arsehole....
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Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my Peachy Keen set! xxx
phew, that was quite a lot to read but i really liked going through this...
The great thing about being a Jugian is you know your faults and in theory can act against them. However when your harmatia is laziness it's a real pain. Although I know full and well I should be more active and take possitive action in life it goes against my most natural sate, do fuck all. Best part of it is I know exactly what...
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thank you so much for the sweet comment on my set! what a sweet thing to say!
It has been a while since I kept a blog, back when life was, e,m , simpler? No that is clearly bull shit, lets start off in the old fashion who the fuck I am thing we have all come to love and expect from 1st blog posts.
My name is Kevin William Malley, I am currently 25 years of age but have no plans...
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My name is Kevin William Malley, I am currently 25 years of age but have no plans...
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I wish you would update more often. You seem to be quite an interesting fellow.